Social worker

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To say some people hated their jobs was an understatement, one that Sylvie could never understand. She had picked a field where she knew she could help people, moving from her home town had be harder than she liked to admit but following her dreams was worth it and the friends she made along the way was evident of that. But as she sat her next to Matt and in front of the 50 something year old social worker, named Pamela Atkins, who barely spoke at first other than to jot down some points on her page, she could tell the woman didn't want to be here and didn't care for the facts of the case.

"So how old is Benny?" The older lady asked, barely raising her head from her paper to look over her glasses. Her mouth smacking with the gum that was in there.

Sylvie and Matt both looked between each other in confusion before she looked back at the woman, Matt answering first. "I think you mean Bella, and she is six years old."

They watched in unison as the lady scanned through her files, pulling out the right file this time and scanning over it. "Ah yes, sorry. When you've been at this job as long as I have they all start to look the same." She spoke sadly, and Sylvie suddenly realised she may have judged too quickly, not realising the horrors this woman would see day to day. "So Isabella Prince, six years old, born June 6th. Parental rights have both been disqualified, no relatives stated. She is a high priority case, and has been staying with you both is that correct?"

They both nodded their heads, waiting for the worker to continue as she scanned the file again, pulling out some sheets that will be needed to sign as well as placing a baby photo of Bella in front of them. It made Sylvie's eyes water, the baby in the picture looked almost the same but the sad look in her eyes was heart breaking.

"Matt, if I'm correct you are already a qualified foster parents?" Pam asked, looking back up at him and then jotting down some more points before looking up again. "And everyone in the home has of course undergone a police check and first aid training?"

"Yes, I'm a paramedic and our room mates are both fire fighters and trained EMT." Sylvie spoke, not even realising she had said our roommates, to in the moment with trying to appear fit and reliable to the stranger who could dictate their foreseeable future. She turned slightly to Matt who gave her a reassuring smile before turning back to Pam.

Pam, who was not paying any attention to them as she gathered the paperwork and handed it over to them to look over. "Well, from what I have seen and read, you both have impeccable resources and a well rounded village." She stated to the two, who were waiting for the but. "But, if this placement is going to go ahead I'll need Sylvie to complete a mandatory foster parents class and get registered. These papers will award you both with temporary guardianship, pending the complement of the class. I can come by sometime this week and check out the arrangement set up, she will need to have her own room and bed so I hope that is to be arrangement."

Although this was what Sylvie wanted she was still in shock, her mouth slightly agape as she listened to the woman speak and list off the things that would need to be done, she was becoming a parent without ever giving birth and even though it was only temporary for now her heart felt like it was swelling and her face broke out into a smile. "So we get her? We get to keep her?" She couldn't contain her excitement, knowing Bella would finally be safe.

It was the first time Pam smiled through the entire exchange, knowing she had made the right decision and that this little girl was lucky. "Yes, given all requirements are met, you will get custody until the investigation is over."

Sylvie felt her smile waver for a second, she didn't want her until the investigation was over, she wanted her. She looked over at Matt, who she hopped he was having the same thoughts as her, and was greeted with a big grin plastered on his face. She figured they'd talk more about it later on, now just enjoying this breakthrough in the assessment. She was even more excited for her shift to end now, only 3 hours to go.

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