A new friend

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As the warm mid-evening sun began to set, Naina's eyes sparkled with anticipation. She tugged on Savita's saree and looked up with a hopeful expression.

Naina: Savita tai, can we go to the park today?

Savita considered Naina's request and knew it could be a good opportunity for her to socialize and enjoy some outdoor time.

Savita: (smiling) Let me ask Sameer baba.

Savita called Sameer who was in office . She shared Naina's request, and after a moment of thought,

Sameer: (kindly) Sure, Savita tai. It might be good for Naina to spend some time outside.

With Sameer's approval, Savita and Naina headed to the nearby park. As they arrived, Naina's eyes widened in wonder at the sight of children playing on swings, slides, and the green grass.

Naina joined in the fun, her laughter and childlike enthusiasm drawing the attention of the other kids. It wasn't long before she encountered two girls, Preeti and her younger sister, Mina.

Preeti: (friendly) Hi there! I'm Preeti, and this is my little sister, Mina.

Naina, delighted by the introduction, responded with a bright smile.

Naina: (happily) I'm Naina!

While Naina played with Mina on the swings, Savita and Preeti sat on a nearby bench and struck up a conversation. Savita, who knew Preeti from the neighborhood, shared Naina's situation with her.

Savita: (concerned) Preeti, Naina has had a tough time. Her family abandoned her due to a psychological disorder. She's been through a lot.

Preeti listened attentively, her empathy for Naina growing with each word.

Preeti: (compassionate) That must be really hard for her. I'm glad she has you and your family now.

As the children played and laughed, Naina found herself bonding with Mina. They shared stories, giggles, and the joy of being carefree kids in a park.

Preeti, touched by Naina's resilience, decided to befriend her and offer companionship.

Preeti: (smiling) Naina, you're not alone anymore. I'll be your friend, and we can play together whenever you want.

Naina's eyes shimmered with gratitude and happiness as she hugged Mr. Bunny tightly.

Naina: (gratefully) Thank you, Preeti. You're my new friend!

In that moment, amidst the laughter and play, a beautiful friendship blossomed between Naina and Preeti, a friendship that promised to bring more joy and companionship into Naina's life.

And so, in the heart of the park, under the setting sun, Naina found not only a new friend but also the promise of brighter days ahead, surrounded by a loving family and newfound companions who would support her on her journey of healing and growth.


Inside their cozy home, the comforting aroma of freshly prepared snacks filled the air. Savita and Ramdhari had been busy in the kitchen, crafting an array of delicious treats in anticipation of a special evening.

In the living room, Naina and Mina were lost in their own world, singing the cheerful tune of the Doraemon theme song as it played on Disney Channel.

Naina and Mina: (singing with enthusiasm) Doraemon, Doraemon, Doraemon...

Innocence Redeemed : Naina 's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now