Naina's treatment begins

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Naina's treatment had reached a crucial stage. Before the operation, she wanted to express her gratitude to everyone who had been by her side throughout her journey. With a heartfelt smile, she looked at her family and friends, including Dr. Sonali.

Naina: (gratefully) "Thank you, each one of you, for standing by me, for loving me, and for believing in me. I couldn't have come this far without your support."

In a quiet moment, she had a monologue with her parents, expressing her forgiveness and understanding, though it had taken time.

Naina: (reflectively) "I forgive you, not because what you did was right, but because I choose to move forward with love in my heart, not hatred."

She had a conversation with Sameer, acknowledging the risks involved in her treatment. Sameer, always the source of comfort, assured her in his childish yet reassuring manner.

Sameer: (tenderly) "Don't worry, Naina. I'll be here with you, every step of the way. We're a team like Wonder Woman and Captain America and we'll face this together."

As Naina was taken into the operating room, Sameer couldn't help but smile with a mix of fear and hope. He approached Dr. Sonali with a question that weighed on his mind.

Sameer: (anxiously) "Doc, will she remember us after the treatment?"

Dr. Sonali, with her professional expertise, assured Sameer that the medical procedures were designed to help Naina without affecting her memory.

Dr. Sonali: (reassuringly) "Sameer, our goal is to help Naina lead a healthy and fulfilling life while preserving her precious memories. Trust in the process, and we'll do everything we can to make it a success."

The operation marked a significant turning point in Naina and Sameer's journey, and the family held onto the hope that Naina would come out of it stronger, with her beautiful memories intact.

Innocence Redeemed : Naina 's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now