A New Beginning

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Sameer knew that the decision to formally educate Naina was a significant step forward in her life. He understood the importance of breaking the news gently and providing the support Naina needed to embrace this change.

One evening, after her therapy session, Sameer sat Naina and Preeti down in the cozy living room. His eyes reflected a blend of reassurance and excitement.

Sameer: (smiling) Naina, Preeti, I have some wonderful news to share with you both. We've decided that it's time for Naina to go to school.

Preeti beamed with enthusiasm, her eyes shining with pride for her sister. Naina, while initially apprehensive, was curious to know more.

Preeti: (excited) That's amazing, Naina! You'll make so many friends, and we can learn together.

Sameer and Naina's heartwarming conversation led to a heart-to-heart discussion with Dr. Sonali. Dr. Sonali appreciated the decision, recognizing the positive impact it could have on Naina's development.

The next day, Raina Auntie, a woman with a wealth of experience, arrived at the Maheshwari house. She had taken it upon herself to help find the right school for Naina.

With dedication and diligence, Raina Auntie explored several schools in the area. After careful consideration, she presented her findings to Sameer and Nanu.

Raina Auntie: (confident) I believe I've found the perfect school for Naina. It's a place that will not only provide education but also the nurturing environment she needs.

Sameer and Nanu, grateful for Raina Auntie's support, agreed to visit the school with Naina. They were optimistic about the journey ahead, knowing that they were making every effort to provide Naina with the best opportunities for her future.

The school they had chosen was welcoming and understanding of Naina's special needs. It was a place where Naina could begin her educational journey, surrounded by compassion and support.

Naina, despite her initial concerns, felt a sense of excitement and hope. The prospect of going to school was a new adventure, and she was ready to embrace it, knowing that her loving family and friends were by her side.

Innocence Redeemed : Naina 's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now