Family Reunions and Unbreakable Bond

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Naina had always been curious about Sameer's parents, and one day, during a heartwarming moment, she gathered the courage to ask.

Naina: (innocently) "Sameer where are your mommy and daddy?"

Sameer, with a tender smile, explained to Naina in a way she could understand.

Sameer: (gently) "Naina, my mommy and daddy are in the sky, watching over us. They are like guardian angels."

Naina nodded, satisfied with this childlike explanation.

But then, a storm arrived that none of them had anticipated. Naina's biological parents, who had abandoned her due to her psychological disorder, returned to her life, seeking a reunion. The family was taken aback by their audacity.

Naina's Mother: (with false concern) "Naina, we're back. We've missed you."

But Naina, wise beyond her years, felt a rush of emotions. She remembered the loneliness and heartache she had endured after they left her.

Naina: (tearfully) "You left me, and Sameer and Nanu took care of me. They love me."

Naina's mother and father tried to justify their actions, but the family stood firmly by Naina's side.

Savita: (firmly) "In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna said, 'Do your work with the welfare of others always in mind.' You abandoned your own child, and now you want to come back?"

Ramdhari: (agreed) "Naina has found a loving and caring family here. She doesn't need you."

Preeti: (supportive) "You can't just waltz back into her life and expect everything to be the same."

Even Mina, the youngest of them all, voiced her disapproval.

Mina: (indignant) "Bad people!"

Raina, who had known Naina and the Maheshwari family from the beginning, was shocked by Naina's biological parents' behavior. She couldn't fathom how they could have abandoned their own child.

Nanu, in his wisdom, made the final decision.

Nanu: "Naina's happiness is our priority. If she doesn't want to see them, then so be it."

To lift Naina's spirits after the unsettling encounter, the family decided to take her on a picnic to Essel World. The joy and laughter that followed were a testament to the unbreakable bonds they shared, and the love that surrounded Naina in her new home.

Innocence Redeemed : Naina 's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now