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Chuuya POV:

"His eyes so pretty, his smile.... Dammit he's one of Dazai subordinates. But still why is he so sweet, Dazai is an ass and Akutagawa is why is he like the way he is."

I was lost in the train of thought when Mori walked. "Chuuya, I have a mission for you but Dazai said he couldn't come so we decided to bring the weretiger."

I looked at Mori. "Why Atsushi, can't I just take Akutagawa or someone else."

Mori sighed. "We have to keep the alliance strong, so we have to use one of their people."

I rolled my eyes and just sighed. "Okay fine, I'll do it."

Mori smiled. "Good, the mission is in a few hours, so you better get ready."

Mori walked up to me and handed me a paper....I looked down and smiled. Mori left my office. "This is going to be to easy...I get to see those pretty eyes again."

Atsushi POV:

"What?! Why me....You know Chuuya will kill me I already pissed him off."

Dazai starts to laugh a little, This makes me mad. "Why can't you do the mission Dazai!!!"

He stop laughing. "I have my own things to do, so don't worry you will be fine....just don't annoy him."

I just glare at dazai.


I meet up with Chuuya and I feel myself get who wouldn't be, he's a port mafia executive.

"H-hi Chuuya."

Chuuya looks like he gets annoyed, but he calms down. "You ready for the Mission?"

He try's to smile. "Yeah, but why are you making that weird face."

"I was smiling asshole."

I feel a sweat drop fall to the side of my face. "A-ah Sorry."

Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Let's get this over with Atsushi."

He starts to walk away and I follow him.

Chuuya POV:

'God he's so annoying sometimes, but why is he so nervous around me....I didn't scare him did I?'

I looked over at Atsushi, he seems so nervous. "Hey are you scared of me or something kid?."

He smiles at me. "No, I'm not...I just never work with another port mafia member...other then Akutagawa and he always try's to kill me, so I have my guard up."

I chuckled a little. "Don't worry I'm not gonna kill you."

Atsushi smiles. "Well thats good to hear."

I get a random idea. "Hey Atsushi."

He stops in his tracks and looks at me. "Yeah?"

"You wanna make a bet."

Atsushi looks at me confused. "A bet? What kind of bet exactly?."

I smirked at him. "Well who ever gets the item....that we have to get, for the mission first wins."

"But what do we win."

"Oh anything you want, I have money."

I smirked a little and Atsushi starts to think. "Okay I want Ochazuke, but what did you want."

I think for a moment. "You know the bet me and dazai made."

"Yeah I do, Your his dog for the rest of your life...what about it tho?"

I try not to show my annoyance. "Yeah that one, Well instead of being my can be my kitty."

Atsushi looks at me weird and says with a sassy voice. "I'm a tiger not a cat!!!"

"Same thing, so you wanna make the bet or not kitty boy."

He sighs. "Yeah sure only if I get Ochazuke, when I want it."

I put my hands up in defeat and smirked. "Okay fine, but you have to beat me first~"

We both start walking to the building. Then Atsushi looks at me. "So you know where the item is? I want it to be fair."

"Oh it's on the top floor, of the two story building."

I point to exactly where it is. "Oh okay, but do we have to kill?"

I looked at him like he was stupid. "Well I am, you do what you want."

We both ran in separate direction.

Atsushi POV:

'I'm definitely going to lose, Damnit I always fall for these traps...but maybe I can beat Chuuya and get Ochazuke....for life.'

I feel myself start to drool, thinking about the food...I stopped and slap my face. "I need to focus....or I'm gonna have to be his kitty."

I cringe at this thought and I looked up to see two men with guns. They started to shoot at me and I catch the bullets. "Come on you guys... you guys are too easy.~"

I charge at them and hit the back of their necks....knocking them out. I walked up stairs and there were more people. "Geez how many are there."

The guys with the guns smirked and one started to talk. "You not getting the give up and die."

I shift my arms and legs as the tiger and they seemed scared. "Oh you scared of my little paws, just wait till you see what the do."

I smirked and charged at them....i kicked one guy and punched the other one. "Damn these guys suck, I wish Akutagawa was here, at least he would put up a fight."

'Damnit why did I  think of him, god this is bad.'

As I make it up the stairs and see a lot more enemies. "Come on, this is this rate Chuuya gonna win."

They turn pale. "Chuuya the port mafia member he's here?!!!"


They all run passed me in fear screaming. "You guys can have the damn gem."

After they ran off I was confused. 'Yeah he's intimidating but not scary....i know I get nervous around this presents, but doesn't mean I wouldn't put up a fight if he fought me.'

"How scary is Chuuya, he seems like a chill guy?"

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