It's You!!

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Atsushi POV:




I jump a little and looked up to see Kunikida. "Y-yeah?"

Kunikida puts his hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay your crying did dazai say something."

I wiped my tears away. "I'm good don't worry he didn't do anything."

He seems annoyed by that answer. "Atsushi...Tell me the truth."

I turn pale because that's what dazai said....tears start to form and I started having a panic attack. "I-I no...please."

Kunikida hugs me. "I'm here don't worry you can talk to me."

I hugged back. "He said I was useless...because I wouldn't tell him something."

He pulls away from the hug. "What wouldn't you tell him."

I show the choker. "Where this came from."

Kunikida starts to examine it. "Wait where did you get it from."

"Someone gave it to me and it was the person that dazai liked...and I kinda said it was a typo."

He looks at me. "Who gave it to you..Atsushi, it looks expensive."

I smiled. "Chuuya did...he said it really suits me."

Kunikida stand up and looks at me mad. "So your friends with a port mafia executive."

I looked at him confused. "No he gave it to me...I wouldn't call us friends."

He walks away and I feel tears form again. I couldn't help it...he didn't talk to me, after I told him. 'Damnit...this is why I hate myself, I trust people and they leave. I just wish the time the orphanage would have killed me, it would have made the world better...just because I did that damn favor.'

I keep thinking bad thoughts and I feel a buzz in my pocket. I pull out my phone to see a text from Chuuya. I decided to ignore it. 'This is his fault."

I put my phone in my pocket and head back in the office...I make it to my desk and start doing my work.

My phone keeps going off but I keep ignoring it. Dazai keeps looking over with a glare..but I try to ignore it. 'I fucking hope he stops or I might blow up.'

I finish my report and stand up to leave. Thankfully no one stops me and I start making my way home. I have a weird feeling that someone is watching me...but I ignore it because I'm probably paranoid. I keep walking and I hear something fall and I turn quickly to see no one. 'That's weird.' 

I make it to my apartment and just relax on my roommates bed because she was still that the Ada. As I'm just laying there I hear a knock on my door. I just ignore it and keep laying.

The knocks get louder and I keep ignoring...after some time the door gets kick open breaking it. I jumped up to see a pissed off chuuya. "Why the hell are you here?!"

He walks up to me pinning me to the ground. "Why didn't you answer me Kitty~"

I glare at him. "Because you just making my life shit."

Chuuya keeps me pinned down. "What did I do?!"

"Oh I don't know dazai hates me...kunikida was talking to me and just walked away."

He gets even more mad. "How is that my problem?!"

I try to push him away. "They seen the choker."

Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Okay an-."


I see Dazai in my door way and I turn pale. "What dazai I'm kinda busy at the moment. So be a good person and LEAVE!!!"

Dazai walks closer to us. "No I'm not leaving...get off of Atsushi."

Chuuya smirked. "Why should hate him so, leave pretty boy."

I turn pale. I didn't know how to feel...they were fighting, but chuuya was still in between my legs. "Uhh if you guys are gonna fight..can I go somewhere-."

Dazai and Chuuya glare at me and both say. "NO!!"

My mouth shut instantly. ' am I in between their fight.'

As I was in the train of thought...Chuuya kisses me. I try to fight back but start enjoying it. I kiss chuuya back moaning a little. Chuuya unpinned me and pulls me into his lap.

I wrapped my arms around him. I completely forget dazai was there...I'm too into kissing.

Just a Favor AtsushiWhere stories live. Discover now