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august 15, 2017

The soft light of dawn crept into my room, coaxing me from the realm of dreams. I stretched languidly, reluctantly pulling myself from my cozy cocoon of blankets. As my feet met the cool floor, a blend of nerves and excitement coursed through me, a residue from the previous evening.

The morning rituals beckoned, and I surrendered to the routine. A warm shower served as a sanctuary, washing away the remnants of sleep and preparing me for the day ahead. Dressed in my school uniform, I descended the stairs to the aroma of breakfast. My mother, a picture of warmth and care, stood at the stove, flipping pancakes with practiced ease. Her morning greeting was infused with genuine concern.

"Good morning, y/n. Did you sleep well?"

I returned her smile, feeling a newfound ease between us. "Yes, Mom," I replied, the sense of connection palpable.

Lily, my younger sister, sat at the kitchen table, deeply engrossed in a cereal box. Her muffled greeting barely registered, and I replied with a nod. The ordinary exchange seemed to carry more weight today.

Seated at the kitchen table, I received a bowl of cereal in front of me, a comforting routine. Conversation flowed naturally, touching on school, my mother's upcoming plans, and the topic of the evening's event excited and concerned me.

Post-breakfast, I gathered my school bag, ready to embark on another day of classes. The walk to school, a daily routine, felt different today. The world seemed to hum with the promise of new beginnings, and I couldn't help but smile at the thought.

Inside the school's bustling halls, I exchanged greetings with friends and classmates. Emily joined me, her energy for the sleepover contagious.

"Morning, y/n!" Emily beamed, her excitement palpable. "Are you as excited about the sleepover as I am?"

I couldn't help but mirror her enthusiasm with a smile. "Absolutely," I replied. "I can't wait."

Emily launched into animated descriptions of her sleepover plans, assuring me it would be an unforgettable night. Her vivacity transformed mundane moments into extraordinary ones.

The school day unfurled, guiding us through various classes and subjects. While a tedious math class took its toll, thoughts of the impending sleepover added a touch of excitement to the otherwise dreary subject.
i hadn't been spending as much time on my phone due to the new and upcoming friendship with the girls at school, i wasn't sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

During lunchtime, our group of girls gathered around a corner table, a mosaic of personalities and interests. Emily, the vivacious heart of the group, was always brimming with stories and enthusiasm.

"So, y/n," Emily began, her bright eyes fixed on me, "you've never been to a sleepover before?"

I shook my head, feeling a flush of embarrassment. "No, never."

Lucianna, a fashion enthusiast with a wardrobe that could rival a boutique, chimed in with curiosity. "Really? Well, you're in for a treat, y/n. Sleepovers are so much fun!"

Maya, the spontaneous girl with a passion for photography, nodded in agreement. "Absolutely! It's all about making memories and having a blast."

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