
321 12 3

??, ??, 2017

Her lifeless body dangled like a puppet, swaying in the aftermath of Jeff's cruel actions. The ravenette boy stood over her with a twisted smirk, clutching the now bloodied knife that had been his instrument of torment. My entire body was shaking beneath the blanket, my hand pressed tightly against my mouth, desperate not to let a single sound escape.

Once Jeff had finished his vile work with Maya, he casually strolled away, leaving her broken form behind. It was then that Ben, visibly distraught and angry, confronted the taller ravenette boy.

"You killed her! She's your issue!" Ben protested vehemently, his voice cracking with anguish and fury.

Jeff shrugged indifferently. "Well, she was your plaything."

"She was not, you stupid fucking dickhead!" Ben's frustration boiled over as he chased after the heartless ravenette, leaving Maya's lifeless body sprawled out on the cold cellar floor, a grim testament to the horrors that had unfolded in this wretched place.

As Ben rushed after Jeff, my heart pounded in my chest, and I remained hidden beneath the blanket, paralyzed by fear and shock. The cellar was now eerily silent, save for the faint echoes of their argument from above. I knew I had to act, to do something, but my body felt heavy, and my mind was clouded with a numbing terror.

Minutes passed, feeling like hours, and the realization slowly settled in that I was alone in this gruesome scene. Maya's lifeless body lay nearby, a painful reminder of the horrors that had transpired in this place. I knew I couldn't stay hidden forever, but the fear of what awaited me beyond the blanket kept me trembling in place.

My thoughts raced, trying to piece together a plan, a way to escape this nightmare. But for now, I remained hidden, my heart still racing, my eyes filled with tears, and my mind haunted by the gruesome image of Maya's mutilated form.

After what felt like an eternity, I mustered the courage to slowly peek out from under the blanket. The dimly lit cellar revealed the horrifying sight of Maya's lifeless body, her cheeks slashed, her once lively eyes now cold and vacant. It was a gruesome and heart-wrenching scene that sent shivers down my spine.

I knew I couldn't stay hidden any longer. Despite my fear, I needed to assess the situation and find a way out of this dreadful place. I started by checking my restraints, tugging on the chain that bound me to the wall. It was as secure as ever, a constant reminder of my captivity.

Gathering my strength, I pushed the blanket aside and gingerly got to my feet, wincing as I realized the extent of my injuries. The pain was a sharp reminder of the physical torment I had endured during my time in this cellar.

With cautious steps, I approached Maya's lifeless body, my heart heavy with grief. I had to pay my respects to her, despite the horrors that had befallen her. In a quiet and solemn moment, I whispered a farewell to my fallen friend, tears streaming down my cheeks.

But I couldn't dwell on sorrow for long. I needed to find a way out of this nightmare. Maya had tried to communicate with me through hand signals earlier, and I hoped that maybe, just maybe, I could decipher her message and understand how to escape this hellish place.

I stared at the spot where Maya had been trying to communicate with me. Her hand signals had been cryptic, but I had to assume they held the key to my salvation. I needed to decode her desperate attempts to help me.

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