
309 10 8

??, ??, 2017

Several days have drifted by, and I've settled into a semblance of a routine once more: waking up, immersing myself in my studies, refreshing myself with a shower, savoring the provided meals, delving back into my studies, and even enjoying some moments of social interaction, especially with Sally if she's in the mood to play. Surprisingly, I've come to appreciate this routine, and it's made this enigmatic place more bearable. Clockwork has become warmer, nodding or even exchanging words as she passes by, while Dark Link continues to be my steadfast provider of sustenance and academic assistance. Jeff, however, keeps vanishing into thin air.

But despite the strangeness of it all, it's become oddly comforting.

Today, they've informed me that a doctor will be visiting to check on my progress. As I lie in bed, I anticipate either Dark Link's or the doctor's arrival, preparing for another day in this unique world that has become my temporary home.

While I waited for Dark Link or the doctor to arrive, my mind couldn't help but wander to the fate of Ben, the one responsible for imprisoning me. I hadn't heard anything about his situation since my arrival, and the curiosity was eating at me. I made a mental note to ask Dark Link about it when he came by.

Despite the unusual circumstances, I couldn't deny that I had been well taken care of here. In preparation for the doctor's visit, I decided to take a shower. It wouldn't hurt to feel as clean as possible beforehand, even though I assumed the doctor would handle any necessary cleaning and bandaging.

As I finished up my shower and dressed, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of apprehension and curiosity about the impending visit from the doctor. What would they say about my condition. i felt much better than i did

The knock on my door sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel a knot of anxiety in my stomach. Slowly, I made my way to the door and hesitated before opening it. What I found on the other side was a stranger, dressed in medical attire, their face obscured by a surgical mask.

My heart pounded in my chest as I took a step back, unable to speak. I had no idea who this person was, and their appearance in my room sent fear coursing through me. What were they doing here?

"Good morning," the masked figure spoke with a calm but unsettling tone. "I'm jack. i'm here to check on your condition."

I managed to nod, my voice failing me as I sat back down on the edge of my bed. This unexpected visitor had thrown me into a state of unease, and I had no idea what their examination would entail or why they were here in the first place.

Jack, as he introduced himself, stood before me, shrouded in an eerie air of mystery. His attire consisted of faded, blood-stained surgical scrubs that clung tightly to his tall, slender frame. His fingers were wrapped in medical gloves, further emphasizing his unsettling appearance.

What drew my attention—or rather, what should have drawn my attention—were his eyes, or rather, the gaping voids where his eyes should have been. Instead of the usual sockets, there were hollow, empty spaces, dark and void of any life. His grey, deathly skin was pulled taut against his skull, making his lack of eyes even more prominent.

Beneath the mask that concealed his face, I could sense a twisted grin, as if he reveled in my fear and unease. Stray strands of dark, greasy hair peeked out from under the mask, further obscuring his face.

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