
369 15 42

??, ??, 2017

As the time passed, I couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in Ben. The bleeding from his eyes had lessened, though the cause remained a mystery. His demeanor shifted from guarded to more relaxed, and he seemed genuinely concerned about my well-being.

One evening, as we sat together on the stone floor, he offered me a warm smile. "You know, Y/n, you've become an important part of my life. I never expected things to turn out this way."

I returned his smile, a spark of warmth blooming within me. "You're not what I expected either, Ben. But in this strange situation, you've been a lifeline for me."

He chuckled softly, the sound echoing through our small world. "Maybe someday, when all of this is over, we can meet in a place that isn't a dimly lit room."

I nodded, a glimmer of hope igniting in my chest. "Someday."

"You know, Y/n, I've been thinking about what we'll do when we're finally free."

I gazed back at him, curiosity piqued. "What's on your mind?"

He leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper as if sharing a secret. "I've always dreamed of traveling, of seeing the world. And now, with you, my love, that dream feels even more meaningful."

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I imagined a life beyond these walls. "Traveling sounds amazing. Where would you like to go first?"

Ben's soulless eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he began to paint a vivid picture with his words. "I've always wanted to visit Japan, walk through cherry blossom gardens, and taste authentic ramen. Then, we could explore the ancient ruins of Greece...i could continue my studies of computer programming..."

I couldn't help but get caught up in his vision. "That sounds incredible. And maybe we could visit Paris, see the Eiffel Tower, and stroll along the Seine River..."

I realized that while I admired Ben's dreams and aspirations, I wasn't entirely sure about my own path after school. It had always been a question lingering in the back of my mind, but in the midst of our daily routine, it had taken a back seat.

With a thoughtful expression, I confessed, "You know, Ben, I've been thinking about what I want to do after all of this. I have so many interests and passions, but nothing has really stood out to me as a clear path."

He nodded understandingly, his eyes filled with empathy. "It's okay not to have all the answers right now, sweetheart. We still have time to figure it out."

I appreciated his reassurance but couldn't help but wonder where life would take me once we were free from this confinement. The uncertainty of the future weighed on my mind, but for now, I was grateful to have Ben by my side, sharing our dreams and hopes, even if our reality was far from ordinary.

As we continued our conversation about the future, ben leaned in closer, resting his chin in his hands with an affectionate gaze fixed on me.

"I wouldn't mind you being a stay-at-home mom," he said softly, a warm smile gracing his lips. "I would love to try your cooking sometime."

His words filled me with a sense of warmth and tenderness. The idea of creating a loving family with him, with me cooking meals for our future children, seemed like a beautiful dream in the midst of our current situation. It was a reminder that, despite the darkness we faced, there was still hope for a brighter, more ordinary life together once we were free.

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