
269 7 1

??, ??, 2017

The door closed behind me, and I found myself standing in a dimly lit corridor with Dark Link by my side. The atmosphere in this place was eerie, almost suffocating. As my eyes adjusted to the low light, I could see a few doors lining the hallway, presumably leading to various rooms. My heart raced as I realized that this was now my new reality.

Dark Link, the pale and enigmatic figure who resembled Ben but was clearly different, turned to me. His red eyes bore into mine, but there was something about his demeanor that felt less menacing than the man I had encountered in the basement.

"We have rooms prepared for our guests," Dark Link explained, breaking the silence with his telepathic communication. "You'll be staying with us until you decide what you want to do."

I nodded, still feeling a sense of trepidation about my surroundings. What kind of place was this? Who were these people, or creatures, that Slenderman referred to as proxies? I had so many questions but knew I had to be cautious about revealing my inner thoughts.

Dark Link led me down the corridor, and I noticed that the walls were adorned with unsettling artwork and cryptic symbols. The decor only added to the sense of unease that had settled within me.

"We're not as heartless as you might think," Dark Link continued, as if reading my unspoken concerns. "Our purpose is more complex than it appears."

I wanted to ask him more, to understand what exactly this group was about and what Slenderman's proposition meant for me. But for now, I remained silent, following Dark Link further into this strange, shadowy world.

As we walked through the dimly lit corridor, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear and curiosity. Dark Link's presence was eerie, but he seemed different from the sadistic maniacs I had encountered earlier. I couldn't fully trust him, but I also couldn't deny that he was my only lifeline in this surreal situation.

Dark Link stopped in front of a door, which he opened to reveal a small, sparsely furnished room. There was a single bed with plain sheets, a small desk, and a chair. It was far from luxurious, but it was better than the damp, cold basement I had been imprisoned in.

"This will be your room," Dark Link informed me, his voice still echoing in my mind. "You can rest here for now. If you need anything, just think of my name, and I'll hear you."

I nodded, grateful for a room of my own, even if it was within the confines of this mysterious place. I walked into the room and sat on the bed, taking in my new surroundings. The air felt less oppressive here, and I could finally breathe without the constant dread that had consumed me in the basement.

"Is there anything you'd like to know?" Dark Link asked, sensing my unspoken questions.

I hesitated for a moment before finally speaking aloud, "Who are you all? What is this place? And why did Slenderman bring me here?"

Dark Link sighed softly, as if he had expected these questions. "We are proxies, individuals who serve Slenderman. there are also the others, This place is our sanctuary, a refuge from the outside world. As for why you're here, only Slenderman can say."

My mind swirled with confusion. What could I possibly offer to these enigmatic beings? And what did Slenderman mean by "joining" them? The more answers I sought, the more questions seemed to arise.

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