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16 august, 2017

I woke up in Emily's cozy guest room, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. The events of the previous night felt like a distant dream, but the unease from the Ouija board session still lingered. With a deep breath, I tried to shake off the eerie feeling and focus on the day ahead.

The room was still quiet as the other girls were likely still asleep. I glanced at the clock on the bedside table; it was relatively early. I decided to get up and head downstairs, hoping to find some breakfast and perhaps a chance to talk to Emily and the others about the forest trip.

As I left the room and descended the stairs, the aroma of breakfast wafted through the house. Emily's mother was in the kitchen, busy cooking up a morning feast. She greeted me with a warm smile.

"Good morning, dear," she said, flipping a pancake in the pan. "Sleep well?"

I returned her smile, though my thoughts were on the impending conversation with the girls. "Morning, Mrs. Henderson. Yeah, I slept okay." i lied through my teeth

I joined them at the table, my mind focused on the day ahead. I knew that talking to Emily and the others was crucial to ensure our safety during the forest trip. So, I silently enjoyed breakfast, ready to address the issue when the opportunity arose.

The aroma of pancakes and maple syrup filled the kitchen as I savored each bite, trying to hide my lingering unease. Emily's mother chatted cheerfully about the day's plans and the delicious breakfast she had prepared. I couldn't help but appreciate her warm and welcoming demeanor, which contrasted with the strange events of the previous night.

As we finished our breakfast, Emily finally made her entrance, looking surprisingly well-rested considering the night's events. She greeted me with a bright smile and a chirpy "Good morning!" before joining us at the table.

"Morning, Emily," I replied, returning her smile though still harboring my concerns.

It was clear that the Henderson family had a tight-knit bond, which made me feel like even more of an outsider with my worries about the forest trip.

After we cleared our plates, I decided it was time to address the elephant in the room. I looked at Emily with a serious expression. "Emily, can we talk for a moment, privately?"

Her eyes met mine, and she seemed to sense the urgency in my tone. "Of course," she said, getting up from the table. We made our way to a quieter corner of the house, away from prying ears.

Once we were alone, I couldn't hold back any longer. "Emily, about what happened last night with the Ouija board... I'm really worried about this trip to the forest. It just doesn't feel right. And the things the board said, it's like it knows things it shouldn't."

Emily's cheerful demeanor faded, and she looked at me with a mix of concern and uncertainty. "I get that you're worried, y/n, but trust me, we do this every week. nothing has happened to us, we just like to explore"

I was relieved to hear that they were okay heading into the forest, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story. "Okay, but can you at least explain why it mentioned going to the woods and finding a girl's body?"

Emily hesitated for a moment, her gaze shifting away. "It's... It's probably just a coincidence, y/n. You know how those boards work, right? It's all about our subconscious minds moving the planchette."

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