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??, ??, 2017

My name is Maya Kay.

I'm seventeen years old,

I attend Ross Kenny High School.

I've always been a bit of a loner, keeping to myself. That was until I met Emily. She brought a brightness to my life that I'd never known before. Through her, I met Lucianna and Olivia, and we quickly became the best of friends. We did everything together.

Well, we used to.

Where did it all go wrong?



about a year ago.

i did that thing...

i didn't mean to do it.

i was forced to. what else would i do?!


Emily had a sudden change of heart, what some might call a mid-life crisis, even though we were just teenagers. She started talking about strange things, and the other two encouraged her, nurturing their newfound fascination.

Our weekly sleepovers took a strange turn when Emily brought out the Ouija board for the first time. I had never believed in the paranormal before Emily introduced us to it. None of this would have happened if it weren't for Emily's insistence. She urged us all to join in, and so we did. It became a weekly ritual.

Nothing unusual happened during our initial encounters with the "afterlife." The planchette moved every time, but that was about it. There were a few moments when things got a bit eerie, but nothing too alarming...

Until Y/N showed up.

I'm not blaming Y/N, not at all. She just wanted friends, a normal life, like the rest of us. That night in the forest was terrifying. I couldn't handle it anymore, and I felt guilty for leaving the girls in the dark, but I was scared.

I went home that night, traumatized, thinking it couldn't possibly get any worse.

But it did.

He appeared, crawled out of my computer screen. It's an image I'll never forget. The blonde man came to me, threatened me, and told me he'd keep us all safe if I did one thing.

stay away from the girls.

I agreed, happily obeying his command. He visited me every night since then, asking questions about the girls and speaking to me like a normal person. For a while, I even enjoyed his presence. He told me about the man who had been taunting us, a guy named Jack, and explained that Jack had never protected the area, so he wouldn't have actually hurt any of us.

One fateful night, Ben appeared, but something was different. He was acting crazier than usual. He climbed through my computer screen as he always did, but this time, he couldn't stop holding his head. He told me he had been talking to Y/N and that he couldn't get her out of his mind. He expressed how much he wanted to meet her in person.

I warned him that it was a bad idea, that Y/N might freak out, and I said many things that I now regret. I didn't want the girls involved, or anyone else for that matter. The risk of someone getting hurt was too high. Little did I know, I would be that someone.

Ben didn't take my words well. I remember being tackled by him, and he shouted about how he swore he'd take matters into his own hands.

There's a blank in my memory for a while. I can't recall how I ended up in the cabin at first, but I eventually found myself here with Ben in front of me, working on something. He mentioned it was a surprise, and terror gripped me. He held up a chip and said it would make everything better.

He hurt me, embedding that chip in my head. At the time, I had no idea what it was, but I soon found out.

After that, I couldn't speak. I was out of commission for a few days. When I finally woke up, I felt nothing. I was trapped like this, under his control.

I did whatever he commanded. What other choice did I have? I was stuck in this state, with no way to fight back, no way to communicate. I felt utterly useless.

I discovered that Ben possessed the ability to travel through electricity, and the chip he embedded in me allowed him to teleport to my location at any time. It granted him unwavering knowledge of my whereabouts, leaving me with no escape from his relentless grip. Eventually, I gave in to his control.

I became his puppet, a mindless follower who accompanied him on missions, ensured everything was in order, and even went on patrols with him. There were times I returned to the mansion with him, where I met the others. They all praised his so-called "training" of me, but I felt lobotomized, left utterly braindead.

Though I knew he was in contact with Y/N, I was ignorant of the intensity of his actions. I had no idea he had her imprisoned in a cellar, that he had orchestrated this horrifying situation. Seeing Y/N confined in the basement only solidified my helplessness. I couldn't convey to her how dangerous Ben was, couldn't save her. I attempted to communicate through hand signals, despite my lack of knowledge in sign language.

Her fate appeared sealed, and so did mine.

I had encountered Jeff before, but seeing him again in this gruesome circumstance was the last thing I wanted. I could sense the pain of his cuts, but it didn't register with the intensity it should have. I knew Y/N was witnessing it all from the corner, and I prayed she wouldn't intervene.

I didn't mind the prospect of death.

In fact, I welcomed it.

After enduring so much pain and suffering, I found solace in the idea. I knew I could no longer protect the girls. I would miss them, even Y/N. If there was an afterlife, I vowed to make their lives a bit better.

I accepted that this was my ending, but it didn't have to be theirs. I simply wanted to die with the satisfaction of knowing that the man in front of me, this despicable monster, understood the ugliness within him. He made me sick to my core, even though I couldn't show it visually or verbally. But I would carry that loathing with me to the grave.

and with that, i remembered.

they say your life flashes before your eyes as you die.

time to find out if that's true.

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