
211 8 1

??, ??, 2017

i didn't mean for it to go this far.

i didn't mean for her to even know of me

all i wanted was her.

all i need, is her

As I sit alone in this dimly lit basement, the weight of my actions bears down on me like a crushing burden. I replay the events of the past weeks in my mind, unable to escape the harsh reality of what I've done.

I've hurt the person I care about most, subjected her to torment and suffering. I've imprisoned her, driven by a twisted desire to make her love me. I know now that what I've done is inexcusable, unforgivable.

It was during my scouting for a victim that I stumbled upon her in person. She was there, an innocent bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But something about Y/n caught my attention. Maybe it was her vibrant (e/c) eyes or her infectious laughter. Or perhaps it was just fate playing its twisted game. Whatever it was, I suddenly found myself drawn to her, my focus shifting from my original target, Maya, to this new and unsuspecting person.

I couldn't explain the feeling that washed over me, the strange mix of fascination and obsession. It consumed me, making me want to know everything about her. I started to stalk her, not in a violent or malicious way, but more like an eerie guardian angel lurking in the shadows.

I made it my mission to ensure she got to school safely every day. I watched from afar, hidden in plain sight, making sure she crossed the streets without incident, and that she was never in harm's way. I kept a meticulous record of her day-to-day life, noting her routines, her habits, and her friends. It was as if I was an invisible presence in her life, always watching, always guarding.

Her constant companionship with her phone became a blessing for me. It meant I could keep an even closer eye on her, tracking her movements through social media, text messages, and calls. Every piece of information about her felt like a precious treasure, and I hoarded it all, building an intricate web of her life within my own.

As time passed, my obsession grew, and I couldn't help but imagine a future where she would be mine, where I could protect her from the cruel world outside. But my twisted desires led me down a dark path, and I began to lose sight of what was right and wrong.

My actions became more intrusive, my obsession more suffocating, until I finally crossed a line that should never be crossed.

I remember that day in the forest vividly. Y/n was there with her group of friends, blissfully unaware of the danger that lurked among the trees. It was the perfect opportunity, one I couldn't afford to let slip away.

I knew that my actions were likely to result in the deaths of all of them, and I was okay with that. But to ensure their cooperation, I had to offer something in return. So, I made promises, dark and twisted ones, to the others in the group.

For Eyeless Jack, I promised him the leftovers from my victim when the time came. He relished the thought of consuming human organs, and I knew that offering him that gruesome reward would secure his loyalty.

Jeff was a bit trickier. He loved killing, and I had to appeal to that side of him. I swore that when the moment arrived, I would allow him to be the one to end his victim's life. It was a macabre deal, but it was enough to convince Jeff to join my sinister plan.

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