Coffee And Jasmines | Kiyoyachi

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I just thought of this so here we go 👍 (Btw I just wanna say requests are welcome, though I might change the story a bit to my liking:b)

Warnings: None

Genre: Fluff

I've been writing too much fluff, the next one is gonna be heavy angst!! I'm gonna be so mean :)))

This is during Yachi's first year, before the Nekoma match.

'Will she like it?' Yachi stared at Kiyoko's locker with a carefully made note in her hands.
'She must get so many notes! She's gorgeous, she's godlike! She's-'

"Yachi?" A distinctive voice came from behind her, she turned around and slightly tilted her head up to see Karasuno's libero.
"Noya-san! What are you.." She tucked the note in her bag and nervously smiled. "I was wondering what you were doing in front of Kiyoko-san's locker. You know she's with the coach, right?" Yū raised an eyebrow and looked at her intently, clearly intrigued. "I was... Looking for her?"

Nishinoya's eyes fell to the note in her bag, then back to the flustered expression on her face. "Mhm. Sure." He smirked and patted Yachi's head.
"Give me the note, I'll put it in her locker." She gasped and stared at him, wide-eyed. "You-You know!?" He smirked, "Hitoka it's so obvious! You like her don't you?"

She didn't know what to say so she just nodded. Noya hummed in response and snatched the letter out of her bag. She froze, afraid he would read it but he just walked over to the locker and slipped the note in.

She sighed and smiled. "Thank you, Noya-san!" She bowed deeply, making the other giggle.

"You're my friend, Hitoka. It's nothing."

Time skip: 2 periods later

Kiyoko sighed as she flung her hair over her shoulder, ignoring all the boys looking at her starry-eyed, and the girls staring at her with pure jealousy and admiration.

Worst of all, the most adamant on 'stealing her heart', Ryunosuke Tanaka. She sighed and ran a hand through her silky-soft navy blue hair.

"Kiyoko-chan!! I brought you flowers!" She stopped in front of a blushing Tanaka and a slightly embarrassed Noya. 'God fucking dammit.' was all that rang through her brain.

She didn't hate Tanaka, quite the opposite. She saw him as her little brother. If that brother was deeply in love with her and incest. She sighed at Tanaka and took the overly big bouquet in her hands.

She was happy about one thing, though. Nishinoya Yū. Ever since Asahi began tutoring him he stopped excessively pestering her, he was mostly dragged around by Tanaka as his wingman.

"Thank you, Tanaka. But this doesn't change the fact I do not have romantic feelings towards you." She tried to tell him, but he dismissed it.

"Kiyoko-san looked at me and said 'thank you'!!" He hugged Noya, tears flooding out of his eyes as Noya tried his best to be optimistic, shooting Kiyoko a sympathetic glance before she walked away.

She opened her locker and saw a note fly out. She sighed and picked it up, thinking it was from Tanaka. But, to her surprise, she opened the note and saw soft, delicate handwriting. She looked closer and realised the note smelt of coffee, she loved coffee.

She smiled, having a tint of red on her cheeks at the attentive details consisting of the note. She almost squealed at little jasmines drawn on the note near the corners, her favourite flower. To make things better, there were jasmine petals glued on the note.

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