Body | YakuLev/ LevYaku

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Where did I get the idea?
Listen to "Body" by Jordan Suaste

Genre: Angst (Hurt comfort)

Warnings: Eating disorders, violent breakdowns.

I'm actually upset at myself.

HC!! Lev learns Russian again during the timeskip and become fluent in his mothertongue again!

Yaku also learns Russian considering he plays for the Russian team Tigr Ekaterinburg.


He stared at his laptop, tears welled up and he repressed a sob.
He read the email over and over, memorising the words, font and language.

"L.H, good face but that's it. Too fat. Nothing special."

And just like that, his career felt like it was over.

"Fuck-" Those were the only words he could manage before his knees buckled, he fell to the floor and let the tears flow.

He just sat there, confused with himself.

Wasn't he good enough? Was he useless? He was special, he had to be.

He didn't convince himself, though.

His sobs got more aggressive, he was straight-up bawling his eyes out at this point. His throat letting out pathetic hiccups, gasps and cries.

He looked down and pinched his skin. 'Too fat.', that's what they said. He was too fat. How could he do this? He had to lose weight. He was disgusting. Food was secondary. Water diets are widely known, why not try it for himself? He had to work harder if he wanted to be a model.

He covered his mouth as he coughed. It was the food he ate earlier. Too much. Too much. Carbs weren't good, not at all.

Get it out. He had to get it out. He dragged himself to the bathroom, kneeling over the toilet.

He stuck two fingers down his throat and gagged letting out his dinner in the water below him. He continued, forcing out the remains of his lunch and breakfast.

He pinched his stomach. Not enough. He wasn't thinner. What more? What more could he do to stop getting fatter by the minute? His weight overwhelmed him. Disgusting, putrid, overweight, ugly, above average.

He coughed in anger, sticking his fingers deeper down, gagging harder as his stomach churned. He felt sick, sicker than he did before.

Water, or what looked like water came spilling out of his mouth.

That's it. Water. He had to limit how often he drank water. A cup a day. He'll be fine. He'll be perfect. His body will be good enough, it had to be.

He felt the energy rush out of him, he became light-headed. Slowly drifting asleep pressed up against the bathtub.


Morisuke came home smiling, he just flew in from Russia and came home to suprise his beautiful husband.

He unlocked the door and crept in, resting his bags on the floor and waltzed over to the bedroom, frowning upon not seeing Lev.

He saw a laptop open on the bed, and went over to shut it off.
Before his eyes read two words, 'too fat.'

Consider his interest officially hightened.

He read the email, his face slowly contorted from calm to anger. Eyebrows stitched together, eyes burning and mouth twisted into a frown.
He looked incredibly menacing for someone his size.
His eyes darkened as he called around the house in a deeper tone.

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