Stronger | Iwaoi/Oiiwa

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Honestly surprised I didn't write any angst before this, I normally thrive off of this shit.

Okay!! So back to the info and stuff

Warnings: Self-depreciating behaviour, pills, mentions of constant breakdowns, mentions of insomnia, eating disorders.

[If you're uncomfortable with any of this/ this stuff triggers you I don't suggest reading further.]

Genre: Angst

So, this starts a week after their graduation, and continues in the timeskip.
My HC is that Oikawa is fluent in Spanish (BC he plays for Argentina) and Iwaizumi is half latino, so they talk in Spanish sometimes. (Prolly not canon btw)


Iwaizumi twisted and turned in his sleep, gripping the blankets and scrunching up his face.

He couldn't sleep, that was obvious.

He eventually gave up and opened his chocolate-brown eyes, which immediately drifted to the man sleeping next to him. He smiled and kissed his forehead, only to be pulled back down on the bed. "agh- Tooru?"

A groan came from the taller as they hugged the insomniac from the back. His expression softened as he lay there with his boyfriend, waiting for them to fall back asleep.

He grabbed his phone and got on their old school's Twitter page. What could he say? He wanted to know what was going on after they left.
He peacefully read all the messages, most of them were girls crying over Oikawa leaving, while others were either fixated on Makki and Matsun's comedy legacy or Iwaizumi.

Iwauzumi hated it when people talked about him, mostly because he couldn't stop himself from reading it.
'People always assume the worst about me..' was his only thought when reading all the 'toxic' theories and fucking fanfics on him cheating on Oikawa.

Like, as if theories didn't tweak him out enough, he had to read himself actually doing them?
'Parents really should keep an eye on their fucked up kids.' He pouted and kept scrolling.

'Iwaizumi cheats on Oikawa.'
'Iwaizumi leaves Oikawa.'
'Oikawa finally stood up for himself.'
'Iwaizumi abuses Oikawa.'

He was so done. He hated all of it but read it nonetheless, it didn't do anything for his self-esteem.


He always got the feeling that maybe they were right, a little voice screaming "Hey-! You do do that!", what if he was abusive? Maybe Oikawa didn't realise? The last thing he wanted to do was hurt his dream husband.

He switched off the screen with a sigh and stared at his sleeping soon-to-be fiance.

What if he was toxic?


Oikawa woke up and groaned at the sunlight shooting through the window. He shuffled around and eventually got off of the bed, slithering his way to the bathroom. He left the lights off, to not hurt his eyes.

But what he saw hurt his eyes even more.

Iwaizumi lay passed out in front of the toilet, puke in the toilet and his phone lay out in front of him with Twitter open.

His breath hitched as he ran towards him, tears welling up in his eyes. His fuzzy, optimistic brain couldn't fathom what was happening.

"Iwa-chan? Iwa-chan!?" He screamed and shook the other to no avail, carrying him out and putting him on the bed. Oikawa cleaned some vomit off of him and sprinkled cold water on the love of his life.

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