Coffee and Jasmines Pt.2 | Kiyoyachi

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I should prolly stop updating this.
So- for the unfortunate people who winded up reading this, try and enjoy?

Warnings: None

Genre: Fluff

This is part 2 of my previous one-shot. If your reading this you should prolly make sure you read that first :)



Kiyoko eyed Noya as he dragged Tanaka away, something in her head clicking.

'Noya doesn't like me anymore, so how would he know that I'm reading a note? ' She thought before she widened her eyes.

'Unless he knows who's writing to me.'

End of recap.

Noya dragged a half-sobbing, half-betrayed Tanaka down the hall.
"She has another! She's probably going to marry him and run off to Mexico or something!" Noya hummed in response.
"Why aren't you more upset about this, Yū?" Tanaka stopped, making Noya turn around and face him.

"I'm just not that upset about it," Tanaka frowned.
"We used to always simp over Kiyoko together, but lately you have been... Weird?"
Noya froze and opened his mouth but was thankfully interrupted.

"Ey- What're you two doing!? It's physics in five minutes! The teacher won't let you guys off this time as well!"
Noya sighed with relief and greeted Ennoshita along with Tanaka.

"Coming, Coming Enno!"


Kiyoko shuffled through the halls during break, she looked through all the halls before spotting whom she was looking for.

"Azu! I-I need a favour!" making the taller fumble.
"Geez- Mizu couldn't it wait? Calm down-" Kiyoko slapped a hand over his mouth. "No time! You're close with Nishinoya, right?" she said, grabbing onto his shoulder for balance.
"Mm.. Not exactly? It's sort of complex.. " Kiyoko rolled her eyes. "Just- Call and ask him where he is."

"Why do you think he'll pick up my call?" the brunette protested, making the girl snort.
"He isn't picking up my calls, I'm sure he will pick yours up."

Asahi called the 2nd year in order to prove the girl wrong. "See? No ans-"

"Hi! Hello- Asahi!?" He turned red.
"Noya..?" "Hi! Uh.. Hi Asahi!"
Kiyoko smirked, deepening the other's blush.
"N-Noya, where are you?"
"I'm in class,"
"Class!? Why'd you pick up my call!?"
"Cause it's you..?"

Kiyoko groaned and snatched the phone. "Hey, Noya. Where are you?"
"Oh. Hey, Kiyoko. I'm in Physics."
"Mhm." She cut the call and shoved the phone towards the taller.
"Hey- I was talking to him!"
"Were you? I thought you were just blushing."
"Fuck you.." he mumbled as Kiyoko walked away.


Noya sighed once the call was cut and returned his focus back to his class, half-heartedly listening.

"And- that's all! Your homework is pages.." Noya groaned and shut the voice out, packing his bag and exiting the classroom.

"Noya! Hey, Noya!" He turned his head to see Kiyoko running to him, it was a weird sight.
Everyone stared at them, wondering what Kiyoko was doing with him.

"Do you need something, Shimizu?" He turned his whole body towards her, keeping some distance between them.

"You-You know the admirer, right!?" she said it more as a statement than a question, making the other freeze.
"Huh!? What?" "Noya, don't lie. Tell me who it is!"
He sighed.

"I can't, I promised." He walked away from a stunned Kiyoko.


"Yachi! Just end it already! Kiyoko has asked me to tell her who it is for a whole week! I can't do it anymore!" Noya whined, frustrated with Kiyoko's determination.

"I...I'm scared, I can't do this!"

"Can't do what?" They whipped their heads around to see the one and only, Ryunosuke Tanaka.

"I- Uh, Ryu?" Noya shifted in front of Yachi, covering her. "Yeah. What's going on?" Yachi pressed her head against Noya's back, whispering a bunch of inaudible stuff.

"It's... Nothing, Ryu." Tanaka sighed.
"We used to be close, Nishi. You don't talk to me anymore." he turned and left.

Noya opened his mouth but closed it again.
"Here, sign the paper with your initials. This is the last one, Hitoka."
She nodded and sighed. "Okay, I'm sorry for dragging you into this."
His gaze softened.

"No.. I'm happy I could help, always ask me for help. I like it." He smiled and swiped the note out of Yachi's hands, striding over to Kiyoko's locker before getting interrupted.

"Nishi! Is that the letter!?" Noya nodded, "Here, Kiyo." He handed it to her and began walking away.

"This is the last one, Shimizu."


Kiyoko sprinted through the halls, the letter held tight in her hands.

'Y.H, Y.H, Y.H, why didn't she see it earlier?'

She ran towards the gym.

"Kiyoko? I thought you took the day-"
Daichi stumbled back and fell into Suga as Kiyoko shoved past him.


The gym doors slammed open as all eyes fell on Kiyoko, but she couldn't care less.

Her eyes flickered around the room until she spotted her.

"Yachi!" She yelled as she ran towards her. "Huh? What-" She was cut off by a pair of lips pressed on hers.

It was sweet, Kiyoko tasted like coffee. Yachi made a mental note to drink coffee later as she wrapped her hands around Kiyoko's neck.

The smell of jasmines was intoxicating. Hands hugged her waist as they kissed, though, it didn't look dirty. No, it looked sweet.

As sweet as coffee.


I honestly thought this was so cute :DDD

ALSO !! Im starting a new texting series! Lyric pranks and whatnot.
I'll post them soon enough.

Whoever was unfortunate enough to read this,

Why?? Bro how did you find this book? 🤨

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