new firends

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I'm 5 now. ray and I are going to the park with our mommies. we finally got to the park. ray and I raced for the swings. ray got there first. I wasn't far behind. I tried to get on the swing. I was struggling till I felt someone help me up. I turn around and see ray. "thanks" I smiled at ray. "welcome " he smiled back. his face seemed a little red. I shrugged it off "I bet I can go higher then you" I smiled. "yeah right" ray hopped on the swing. "I can swing higher then you" ray continued. "ard then come on" I started to swing with ray. as we swung I got a little higher but ray got a little higher. eventually he won. "ha told ya" he laughed. I stuck my tongue out. "bet you can't beat me to the slide" I pointed at the slide. he nodded his head. we stood at the edge of the park ledge. "ready....set...set" I played as ray took off. I laughed as he notice I didn't say go. "come on Rae" he giggled with a little whine. "ok ok" I calmed down from laughing. "ready....set....GO" we both took off. ray beat me to the slide. "hmp" I pouted and crossed my arms. ray tilted his head and pressed his lips against mine. they were soft. "hey Rae" asked. "yeah" I replied and looked at him. "I got you something" he took something out his back pocket and held it behind his back. "what is it" I asked. he pulled out a long black box "here". I opened the box to see a purple chain and a broken piece heart on it that said best "its so cute but why is it broken?". "because its a best firends necklace I have the other one" ray reached in his shirt and pulled out the other side of the necklace. "you have to promise that you'll keep it on no matter what ok" he announced. "I promise" I put on the necklace and hugged ray."and I don't break promises" I continued as 2 girls around our age walked up to the slide. "hi" I smiled nicely. "hey" one said popping he gum. "sup" the other said sitting on top of the slide. "what's your names" ray asked just as nicely. "nun of yo business little girl" she snapped at ray. "hey he's not a girl he's a boy" I yelled getting mad. "ha nice one Taylor "the girl popping her gum. "is that your girlfriend four eyes" the girl popping her gum."nice Veronica" the girl at the top of the slide "she's not four eyed shut up" ray yelled. "what you gonna do about it" the little girl came down from the slide. she stepped to ray. I was about to jump in till 3 other girls came up and yelled at the girls "aye Taylor and Veronica leave them alone" one said. they turned around as the 3 other girls approached them. "what you gonna do about it" the one popping her gum. "ill give you a knuckle salad" one said holding her fist to there faces. "ha we ain't scared of y'all " the one that was on the slide now next to the one that was. popping her gum. "oh really " the girl said holding up her fist taking a step closer. the two girls ran away.

I smiled as ray laughed "thank you". "no prob" one of the girls said. "yeah taylor and Veronica always trying to start something" the other girl said. "any way what are y'all names?" another girl asked. "I'm Raegine" I smiled. "I'm rayon but we call each other ray" ray said. "but my ray ends with a y and her's ends with a e " ray continued. "cool y'all dating and I'm na'tori but y'all can call me Tori " she laid her hand on her hip. "I'm nazsay but my peeps call me naz" placing her hands over her chest . "and I'm amani but I go by mani" she put her hands behind her back. "nice to meet y'all and no were not "ray announced. "were best firends" I added. "cool y'all wanna play" naz asked. "yeah play what" I asked. "tag your it" naz tapped me as everyone ran different directions.

I ran after mani. I catched her. then I dashed following ray. I saw his braids flying in the air. then I was tagged. I kept following ray but he was just to fast. I turned around to see the girls off in different directions, off in the distance. I stopped and bent over. holding my self up on my knees. I was breathing really heavy. saw a pair of feet it front of me. then I hand reached out. "tag me" I looked up to see ray. "really?" I asked. "yeah your tired and stuff and I'm to fast for you so yeah " he bragged. so cocky I stood up and tapped his hand "your it". I dashed off. before I new it the game was over and tori was it last.

"Rae ray come on and introduce us to.your new firends! " rays Mommy yelled out to us. "ok!" we both yelled back. "come on" ray yelled as we all ran for our mommies. we got to our moms. "hi Rae and ray's Mommys I'm nazsay but my peeps call me naz" naz smiled. "I'm amani but everyone calls me mani " looking innocent. "and I'm na'tori but I go by tori" she held her hand swaying side to side smiling. "well hello naz, tori, and mani I'm rayons mommy" rays Mommy, Keisha, greeted. "I'm raegines Mommy" my Mommy greeted. "well its 6:29 its time to go home and get dinner ready" rays Mommy announced. "say bye to your firends" my Mommy said while turning me around and holding my shoulders. "bye mani, naz, and tori" I waved. "bye girls" ray waved as we walked away. "bye Rae and ray " all the girls screamed as they waved.

we all walked home. "hey ray I bet I can beet you to the corner" I betted. "yeah right" ray doubted. "ard who ever gets there last has to do everything the winner, me, says all day tomorrow " I got cocky. I'm going to lose. "ard ready set go" ray yelled as we ran up to the corner. I saw ray in front of me his braids flying in the air. ray got to the corner first. he jumped up and down dancing "I beat you I beat you I be-be-be-be-beeet you". ray looked at me with sadness in his eyes "you don't have to". "no a bet is a bet" I confirmed. "ok I wont go to rough on you" ray smiled. I smiled back at him as our parents caught up with us. "ok ok let's get home" my Mommy said holding our hands to cross the street.

we finally got home and had acos. our favorite. "Raegine? " mommy called me. "yes" I awnsered. "wanna sleep over rays tonight?" my Mommy asked. "YES" I yelled happy and excited. I cleared my throat "I mean yeah sure". everyone laughed at me as I continued to eat my aco. I was blush then ray patted my back "its ok we still love you". I blushed even harder. why am I blushing ray is my best firend I don't have a crush on him. do I? naaahhh its probably because I'm embarrassed.

after we Finnished our acos my mom got my clothes for tomorrow and came back. I gave her a hug at the door and she kissed my fore head "good night and don't give Keisha a hard time ". "ok" I asured her. "I'm sure she'll be no problem at all" rays mom smiled. my Mommy nodded with a smile and left out. "come on lets go play cars" ray requested. "ok" I agreed. ray and I ran up stairs.

"ok ok lets play dolls" I requested looking through my bag. I found my bratz dolls. I gave ray the boy and I kept the girl. "ok how do we play" ray asked looking at the doll like an alien. "well we come up with like where there going to live and who they are to each other like if they were best friends or boyfriend girlfriend-" "boyfriend and girlfriend "ray cut me off. "I mean we should do boyfriend and girlfriend "ray corrected himself. I giggled and kissed his check "ok boyfriend and girlfriend ".

after we played rays Mommy came in "time to wash up". "ok" we said in union. ray and I hopped in the tub. after we were done rays mom washed us up. she put on our night clothes and we went and laid in rays bed. I laid on my side next to ray. I drifted to sleep but had a nightmare about me being watched from red eyes in the bushes. I woke up gasping for air. till ray pulled me into his chest. he kissed my head "ill save you". I smiled and fell asleep in his arms.

my first love (a ray ray love story)Where stories live. Discover now