Chapter 11: They don't know what this feeling is like

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"Summer vacation's close at hand," Aizawa informed them, "Of course, it would be completely irrational of you to take a whole month off. You'll be doing a summer training camp in the woods."

The class cheered, having to be silenced by their teacher's quirk.

"However... anyone who doesn't pass the final exams... is in for summer school hell."

Once Aizawa had left, some of their classmates were wailing. Dunce Face and Raccoon Eyes most of all. If he remembered correctly, they placed the last two during their midterms.

Katsuki wasn't worried about the written exam, however. He wasn't top three in the class for nothing. Katsuki already revised everything that was going to be covered in the upcoming exam. It was the practical exam that bugged him, because none of them had any idea what it would be.

Ponytail had offered to tutor Ears and Tail extra, which led to some of the idiots begging him and Glasses to do the same. Glasses immediately agreed while he declined, only for Deku to say, "Ida will be the best tutor you get!" Keyword, best. And Katsuki wasn't letting that slide.

As a result, half of the idiots (Round Cheeks, Icyhot, Brain Freak and Dunce Face) were with Glasses and the other half (Deku, Shitty Hair, Raccoon Eyes and Flatface) were with Katsuki. Whoever's tutees had the higher average score in the written exam would win the challenge. Did Deku, Brain Freak and Icyhot need it? Absolutely fucking not, but they got dragged into this shit anyway.

So now Katsuki had Deku and three idiots in his bedroom. His parents were more than happy to have them over. The hag had even whispered, "I'm glad you're finding friends."

"I have had Deku all my fucking life."

"You know what I mean, brat."

They all sat down on the floor. Katsuki was between Deku and Shitty Hair, next to Shitty Hair was Raccoon Eyes, and Flatface completed the mini-circle. "Now, what is the answer to this?"

Deku eagerly raised his hand. Shitty Hair and Flatface scrunched their faces, deep in thought, while Raccoon Eyes was more occupied with staring into space. Katsuki groaned. Maybe he should've picked Icyhot and Brain Freak so he wouldn't have as much work cut out for him, but of course, he had decided to pick more idiots so he could rub it in Glasses' face when he won the challenge.

Eventually, another one of them raised his hand. "Shitty Hair." Deku pouted at not being picked.

"782...?" Shitty Hair did not sound confident at all.

"You are... completely wrong! How the fuck did you even get that?!"

"Kacchan, don't be mean to Kirishima."

"Raccoon Eyes!"


"What's the answer to this?"

Raccoon Eyes looked down at her notebook, "...9?"

"That's the answer to question 5. I'm talking about question 6."

"Ehhh? I could've sworn we were at question 5 right now..."


"I'm not picking you, Deku, cuz I know damn well that you know the correct answer. Flatface!"


"Fucking finally," Katsuki slammed a blank piece of paper in front of them, "Now, I'm going to say this only once, so keep your fucking ears out." He wrote down the calculations on the paper, explaining each step. The others listened tentatively, though Katsuki saw Raccoon Eyes begin to zone out. "Oi," he snapped his fingers in front of her eyes, "Focus."

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