Chapter 20: Can't be one of them

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Hitoshi stood before the National Takoba Arena, the test site for their provisional license exams, with unease.

Ashido was already stretching, doing side lunges, "Why can't they just tell us what the test is about?"

"Yeah..." Kirishima agreed, "We aren't able to prepare much."

"It makes sense!" Ida stated, "When we're heroes, we won't know what's coming!"

"Doesn't make me less nervous though," Uraraka muttered, "Can we do it?"

"It's not a matter of can , Uraraka," Shota surprised the group from behind, "You will ."

"Y-yeah, got it..."

"Pass this test, and you won't be mere eggs anymore, but full-fledged hatchlings - semi-Pro heroes. Show them your best."


"ULTRAAAAAAA!" all of 1-A was caught off guard by a foreign loud voice joining the cheer. Hitoshi turned around to see...

"Yoarashi!" Sero was the first to recognise him, "Didn't know you were a hero course student as well!"

Shota stared at Inasa, an unreadable look in his eyes.

"Yoarashi," someone called out from behind, "It's rude to interrupt another's group huddle." A group of students from another school approached them. Hitoshi instantly recognised the uniforms. They were from Shiketsu.

"Ah, you got me! I am so very-" they were shocked when Yoarashi smashed his head onto the floor as a bow, "SORRY!" he shot back up, "I just always wanted to try saying it! I freaking love U.A. High!"

"Then why didn't you apply for U.A.?" Uraraka asked, curious.

"He did," Todoroki cut in, "He was in the recommendation exam."

Instantly, there was tension in the air. Yoarashi's warm demeanour completely vanished, his gaze hardened into a glare directed at Todoroki. Hitoshi frowned, wondering what was up between them.

"Eraser?!" Hitoshi would know that voice anywhere. So did his dad, judging from the way his face changed. Auntie Emi showed up as well with her class - second-year students. "I see your class is taking their test here."

"Obviously," Shota said gruffly.

She moved closer towards Shota, her voice lowered to a whisper, "How are the kids holding up?" If Hitoshi wasn't so close, he wouldn't have heard it.

His dad grew solemn, "Better than expected. None of them dropped out."

"Remember to go easy on them," she reminded, "They shouldn't have to go through what they did so young."

"Just gives me all the reason to go tougher on them," Shota told her.


The exam was absolutely packed. They had to all cram together into a large room, which wasn't exactly doing great for Hitoshi's nerves. He was acutely aware of everyone's breathing and the pounding of his own heart.

"Are you alright, Shinsou?" Hitoshi was startled when Kirishima addressed him.

"Just nervous..." Hitoshi admitted, "Like, what if it turns out like the U.A. entrance exam? I can't use my quirk on robots, and then I'll be at a disadvantage."

"I'm sure you'll do fine," Kirishima assured him, "Even in situations where you can't use your quirk, you still kick ass! It's manly!"

"Kirishima is right," Todoroki agreed, "I don't see why you should be worried."

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