Chapter 13

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"The events of last night?" I wasn't sure what she meant, but it didn't sound good.


"But..." I trailed off. "That's where they went then, isn't it?" I asked, looking from Eli to McGonagall.

"Yes, it is. Last night, Harry, Hermione, and Ron, along with Ginny, Neville and Luna Lovegood from Ravenclaw, went to the ministry." She explained, leaning forward over her desk.

"Why?" I questioned, mimicking her actions. My best friend sat silent beside us, watching the encounter.

"Potter..." She took a sharp intake of breath. "Had another dream." I sat straight up in my seat, staring at her intently.

"He hand another dream?" I asked, not believing her words. I remembered his last one about Arthur, and what had happened. "Who's hurt? Harry is alright, right?"

"Listen, please." She said softly. I was too scared to calm myself down.

"Mr. Potter had a dream of your father being tortured by Voldemort." She told me. I felt my stomach drop.

"It wasn't real, was it?" I asked, desperately.

"No, it wasn't. You see, Harry hasn't learned the power of Occlumency yet, and apparently, Voldemort realized there was a connection. He used that to lure him there in hopes that he would've gotten the chance to kill him." I sighed, only feeling slightly relieved.

"So, the group went by themselves and fount valiantly, but things got out of hand. The Order learned he was there, so they went to help them. They knew Voldemort would stop at nothing to get the Prophecy."

"Why wasn't I told? I'm a part of the order!"

"It was far too dangerous last night, Ms. Black. They were protecting you." She said, looking me in the eyes. "The Order put up a good fight. Almost too good to be true. Then, something happened. I need you to stay calm, okay? I know it will be a shock, but you need to remain composed. Can you do that?" She asked me. I nodded, preparing for the worst.

"Who's hurt?" I whispered.

"That's the thing, Athena. Harry and your father were against a few Death Eaters in The Department Of Mysteries. He disarmed Lucius, but Bellatrix Lestrange got the best of him. Your father lost focus, and..."

"She killed him." I said, blankly. "Cousin Bellatrix killed him, didn't she?" I asked, with a smile. I knew if it would be anyone, it would have been Bellatrix. She hated us more than any of our family.

"I'm afraid so. I am terribly sorry. The others are back now if you'd like to see them."

"He's dead." I said bluntly, ignoring whatever else she had said. "Just dead." I said, and then I started laughing. "Nice try, he isn't dead." I said, playing off the scenario. I wasn't sure how things went from good to bad so fast. I was baffled.

"Ms. Black, I'm not trying to joke with you. I would never do that to you. Unfortunately, your father is dead." She gave me a sad look. "I am so terribly sorry, my dear." She paused and reached out for my hand. I took it, shaking my head. "He fell through The Veil after she cursed him." She told me. I couldn't even try to make this into a joke. I looked at McGonagall's eyes and she looked so sympathetic for me. I looked over at Eli, who looked shocked. She appeared like she was going to cry for my grief. Then, I knew it was real.

My dad was dead. He wouldn't be walking me down the isle at my wedding. I started sobbing. "No, no, no! He can't be dead! Who's going to walk me down the isle at my wedding? Who's going to be home with Remus when I get back? He was supposed to be there so I could annoy him all summer! He can't be dead," I choked on the last sentence and I felt like someone just punched me in the stomach. "He can't be."

"Do you want me to take her back to the dormitories?" I heard Eli ask through my cries of pain. Nothing seemed real. The only thing I could feel was the unbearable pain that settled in my heart.

"That would probably be best." McGonagall whispered and Eli helped me up.

"Come on, it'll be okay." She tried to calm me down. I tried to shake her off. I didn't want anyone to touch me. I could hardly breathe and I just wanted to curl into a ball and die myself. After a moments worth of trying, Eli got me to my feet. She lead me back to the Gryffindor tower. She tried her best to hide me from the people staring, though it was no use. I was shaking so badly I could barely even keep my hold on her robes. She muttered the password to The Fat Lady and I nearly fell as she tried to get me through the hole. When she got me in safely, the first faces I saw were Ron, Hermione and Harry Potter. Harry ran to me, pulling me into an embrace.

"Tell me she was lying, please. Tell me he's still alive." I begged, trying to hold back my sobs. He grabbed onto me stronger. He was taller than me, now. I let my head rest on his shoulder.

"Athena, I am so sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't save him." Harry was choked up. I lifted my head and took his face into my hands.

"You are the bravest boy I've ever known." Tears dripped off of my chin. "You do not have to apologize to me." I ran my thumb over his cheek, wiping away his stray tears. "This is not your fault." Ron and Hermione crowded us, joining our hug.

"I'm so sorry," Hermione said softly. By now, the whole common room was watching us.

"Athena," Harry said. I looked up at him and he looked so pained to watch me. "We can get through this, together." He gripped my forearm.

"We will, Harry." I pressed a kiss to his forehead, pulling him into another embrace. Eli stood on the side, not sure if it was her place to join us.

"He's really gone." He said, quietly. I barely heard him. It was his turn to lean on me. Together, we could get through the despair we were feeling. We would be each other's rock, because we had both lost a father. I assume he felt as strongly as I would if I were to lose Remus.

"There was nothing we could do... She just..." Hermione started. I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"I know, my love." I told her. "I don't blame you guys. You did everything you could, and I am so proud of you three." They gave a solemn nod as I let another cry escape my lips. "I have to go upstairs, I have to pack. You guys should get some rest." Harry wipes my face with the sleeve of his sweater.

"It'll be okay." He stated, though it sounded kore like a question. I didn't have the heart to say another word, so I just nodded.

"Come on," Hermione whispered. Her and Eli both brought me up to my dorm that I shared with four other girls from my year. "Let's get your cleaned up." She said, pulling a change of clothes from my trunk. My sweater was stained with tears. The two of them let me sit down and get comfortable before they did anything else.

"Don't bother, I'll be fine." I told them, laying down. Hermione set my new sweater on the bed, and then took a seat beside me. Eli climbed into the bed with me.

"Oh don't lie," Eli snapped, rubbing my back gently. "You can't shut us out." She said in a softer tone.

"I know. I just don't want to talk right now." Eli didn't take it, though. She pulled me into her arms and hugged me tightly, just letting me cry. Hermione laid on the opposite side of me. I appreciated the company. Deep down, I knew they meant the best. Them being there did help me, I just couldn't see it in that moment.

"It'll be okay, I promise. Everything will work out for the better." She whispered as she ran her hand through my hair. "I know it will, it has to."

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