Chapter 9

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I watched Athena look worse and worse everyday. It destroyed me to see what I had done to her, and I wanted to do anything to ease her suffering. I knew I had to hold off, because I had something much larger planned than a mediocre reunion. Seeing her start eating again was amazing. It meant I had more time to do what I was planning. It almost meant she wouldn't hurt herself while I was waiting for the right time. I watched her grow closer and closer to that Eliana girl and I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. They were always with each other, hanging off the others arms when they got the chance. It got downright annoying. Maybe I was just angry because I felt like Eliana was replacing George and I.

"Stop staring, it's weird." George told me. I turned to look at him.

"Buts it's weird. Don't you find the two of them too close?" I ask, scowling.

"No, you only think that because you wish it was your arm Athena was holding on to." He said, barely even looking up at me.

"Maybe, but look at them! They're practically attached to each other and they haven't even known each other for that long."

"Friendship is friendship, no matter how long you've known the person." He said, almost bored.

"But she's a Malfoy," I said in distaste, and I think I crossed a line.

"Since when did blood matter to you?" He asked, coldly, finally looking up at me. I didn't have any words to reply with. It was a low blow on my part. I knew her name had nothing to do with her personality. I was just emotional over the fact I felt like I was being replaced. "She was put in Gryffindor for a reason, and if you don't like 'a Malfoy' being her friend, maybe you shouldn't have left. If you aren't going to do anything, I advise you to keep your mouth shut about it." He snapped.

"Look, I don't see why you're so upset with me. I did what I thought was right." I defended myself. It hurt me when George was upset with me. We were partners in crime. It was strange to see him angry.

"You left her when you clearly didn't want to. You ruined her and your own life when there was so many better options. Instead of making it up to her as soon as you realized you messed up, you got us all involved with this big plan that might not even work. Have you ever realized it might be too late? You aren't even trying to fix it, you'd rather sit here and complain to me about how 'terrible' your life is going. You put her through so much hell she doesn't even feel like she fits in with us anymore. We're her family, Fred. Now she's relying on someone she barely knows because she feels outcasted. You promised her you always be there, and I have a strong dislike for liars." He eyed me before getting up. He swiftly walked over and took a seat beside Athena. I had never felt more alone than I did in that moment.


"Woah, you alright?" I asked George as he sat down beside me, clearly upset. I placed a hand on his upper arm and he relaxed a bit.

"Yeah I'm okay, don't worry." He sighed.

"Why aren't you sitting with your brother?"

"Don't even get me started on him." He rolled his eyes and I giggled. It was strange seeing the two angry with each other, but it was funny seeing him go off at Fred. I didn't really hear what he said, but I could tell he knocked him around a little bit.

"Finally realized how much of a toerag he was?"

"Something like that." It was nice having George by my side again. I had missed his company more than I realized. After joking around and laughing for a few minutes, I spoke up again.

"Having you here made dinner positively better." I smiled and wrapped my arm around his shoulder. We were joking around and I was practically sitting on George's lap. It felt wrong, but I didn't care anymore. I was so happy that my best friend was trying to be in my life again. I was starting to get back to myself, slowly, but surely. Eli has helped build me back up, but George was putting on the final touches.

"Oh, you're George!" Eliana breathed out a sigh of relief. "I thought you were Fred! I nearly busted my top!" The three of us dissolved into a laugh. The new girl still had trouble telling the two apart. I didn't realize that she might, because it came as a second nature to me. Just then, an irritating voice came from behind me. The familiar sound made me want to pull out my hair. "Hem hem," I turned around to see the toad-like face of Professor Umbridge.


"You two are sitting too close, and if appreciate it if you'd move away from each other."

"If appreciate it if you left us alone." I snapped. She knew I didn't like her. I definitely didn't try to hide it. She pressed her lips in a firm line and glared at me.

"You are head girl, Miss Black. I'd think your have a better behaviour than that." she said.

"I'd think you'd realize that I don't give a damn by now." I said, turning away from her. "I do a damn good job at my position, but I dont respect people who don't deserve it."

"Detention, Miss Black! I expect you in my office by 6. No later or you'll earn yourself another one." She spat and I smiled a twisted grin. I opened my mouth, ready to give her hell. George nudged me, causing me to rethink my words.

"See you there, professor."


"I must respect my superiors? Really, professor? That's so unoriginal it hurts." I grimaced and stared at her. Her eyes were boring into my head holding a strong hatred.

"You'll learn to keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you." she told me and I laughed a dry, humourless laugh. "Your father clearly hasn't taught you too well." She gave a small giggle. "Wait, he couldn't teach you. Could he?" I gave a snarl as she walked towards me.

"Firstly, I wouldn't respect you if it could save my life. You're in no way superior than me, scarring children like there's nothing wrong with it." I hissed. "And secondly, I'll keep my mouth shut if I want. Right now I'd much rather tell you how unfit you are to be here. Or work for the ministry, even." I snapped, looking at the parchment in front of me.

"Do it now, or I may have to expel you."

"Nice try, toad-face. I don't think my daddy would like that very much." I chirped. She gave me a surprised look, clearly afraid of my father. I picked up the Blood quill and began writing without another word. After an hour, she let me go. My hand was in pain but I never made a comment about it. I think that bothered her greatly. There were tears of pain stinging my eyes as I returned to my dormitory. I wrapped my hand in some bandages to stop the bleeding.

"Athena!" Eli ran in, pulling me into a hug. "Are you alright?" I shrugged.

"I'm fine, I got to insult her and that's all I care about." I grinned.

"Does it hurt?" She asked, nodding towards my hand.

"Not really." I lied. "Let's do something to keep our minds off of it. I don't have homework and I'm not even close to tired." I said. She took my hand and led me down to the common room.

"Chess?" She asked and I smiles.

"Sounds wonderful, my lovely companion." I sat in the chair by the fire, and she took the one across from me. We played for a long time, before I finally became to tired to keep my eyes open. I yawned and Eli laughed at me, before making me stand. She lead me to the my dorm, ushering me into my bed.

"Stay," I said as she tried to leave my dorm. She smiled and crawled into bed next to me, and pulled me closer to her. I laid my head on her chest and grinned lazily. "Goodnight, Malfoy."

She laughed and shook her head, pushing the long black hair away from my face. She sighed. "Goodnight, Black."

"Love you." I added quickly, closing my eyes.

"I love you too, Athena. Now get to sleep."

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