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"Why on earth is she allowed to be a part of this! She's sixteen years old!" The familiar voice of Molly Weasley filled the air. She broke the silence that lingered over Number Twelve Grimmauld Place. My father had grown tired of hearing this criticism: he had made his final decision.

"She's turning seventeen in a few days, therefore she can make her own decisions. This is what she wants." My father told her, almost sounding bored. He was exhausted over fighting for this. Everyone seemed to have their opinions on his choice. He didn't seem to care, aside from the fact he was criticized for it almost constantly. "She knows more than a regular seventh year would. She's brilliant, Molly." I overheard his voice. I smiled at the compliment.

"I'm not doubting that! Her safety is what's important to me!"

"You don't think I care about that? Even if I didn't let her join, she would find her own way to be involved." He answered. "It's better than fighting with her."

"Mum's at it again?" My boyfriend, Fred Weasley stood next to me. I grinned and kissed him on the lips. It seemed like forever since I had, even though it had only been weeks since our last encounter. His family had just arrived at my fathers childhood home. We were banding together as a secret society against the dark lord. Wizards from the ministry, our community, and our school were coming together to fight a higher power. We were becoming a family.

"What else is new." I gave a laugh that didn't live long on my lips. Right now didn't seem like the time for laughing. Our world was growing darker by the minute.

"Who's she at this time?" He questioned, likely already knowing the answer. It wasn't a rare occurrence that Mrs. Weasley lost her temper. Fred and his twin brother, George, were usually on the receiving end of her wrath.

"Dad." My answer was minimalistic. Fred did not yet know about my involvement in the order.

"Why?" I casted my gazed to the floor.

"He managed to convince Dumbledore to let me be a part of The Order." I muttered, not looking up at him.

"What? I'm not allowed, but you are? That's rubbish!" His distaste was evident in his voice. I knew he wasn't mad at me specifically. He just wanted to help, much like myself.

"Its dangerous, Freddie. They're just looking out for you." I paused and caught his eyes. "I wouldn't want my pretty little red-head getting hurt, would I?"

"It is dangerous! I wonder why Dumbledore let you join."

"I told him I wanted nothing more than to stand by the sides of the ones I love. When dad consented, he didn't really have much of a choice. I need you to promise me something?" I explained.


"Don't try and use the same line. It usually doesn't work twice in a row." I said. He gave me a roll of his eyes.

"I could come up with an excuse ten times better than that." He teased.

"Yeah, if only it was an excuse." I muttered. "Trust me, Remus didn't like the idea any more than your mum." I muttered. "I've heard about it every day since we got here. He's been begging me to change my mind." Just then, a girl that seemed no older than thirty appeared. She held the most brilliant bubblegum pink hair. She gave a smile and a happy wave. I shared a look with Fred, but returned her gesture. "Who're you?" I asked, wearily.

"Me? Oh sorry, I'm Nymph-" she cut herself off. "Tonks. I'm Tonks." She held out a hand for me to shake. "I'm part of The Order Of The Phoenix. You're Athena, right? Sirius's daughter?" She asked. I nodded, grabbing her outstretched hand.

"Nice to meet you. Yeah, I am." I smiled. "This is Fred, one of the Weasley kids." I told her. She shook his hand as well.

"Not that I couldn't tell." She pointed to his hair. I gave a chuckle. This was a conversation I would've liked to be a part of. As soon as it started, Mrs. Weasley ran out of the kitchen with dad following. They both looked a tad bit annoyed.

"Athena, dear. You can't possibly realize what you're becoming a part of! It's dangerous! You don't have to do this." Molly Weasley reminded me. I sighed at her concern.

"I get it. I understand, but I really want to help. I couldn't ever forgive myself if I sat back and watched you guys risk your lives. I want to do my part." I told her. She didn't respond, instead she pulled me into a hug. "I won't even being doing anything that dangerous. Dumbledore wouldn't allow it." I promised.

"I know, dear. We're just worried about you."

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