Chapter 11

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So I was getting married now. Umbridge was livid after the twins left, but I couldn't help but smile through the rest of the day. Her wrath wasn't bothering me a bit because I was in bliss. Peeves was giving her hell, as promised. Seeing Umbridge so angry was just a highlight to the whole situation. The only thing that would've made it better was if my father and Remus were here to witness it.

"Wow, you're actually getting married." Eli stated, finally letting it settle in. We had just finished our last NEWTs. I couldn't believe it. We were done. My home for the last seven years would no longer be mine anymore. My dorm would belong to a new set of students, my seats would belong to new characters. School was finished.

"I can't believe that school is almost over." I laughed. "I'm not ready to graduate!"

"I know, I can't believe it either. I've only been here for a year but I'm even sad to leave." She paused for only a moment before speaking again. "What are you doing after this?"

I thought for a moment before smiling. "I'm going to find a God to pray to and become the biggest pot smoking hippie you've ever met." I joked, acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You idiot, be serious for once. Where are you living, and all that fun stuff?" She asked.

"I'm probably going to stay with my dad. I haven't had much time with him lately." I told her. I was going to stay with dad for the first few months at least. I wanted to get as much quality time with him as I could. I hadn't really spent any time with him at all in my life, and now was a great time to make up for it. "Speaking of dad, I should've gotten a letter back from him by now...." I muttered.

"I'm sure he'll write back soon," she smiled. I nodded and sighed. "He always does, Athens."

"What about you? Where are you staying?" I asked. She thought for a moment before shrugging.

"I don't know." She said simply. I smiled and looked at her for a moment.

"Stay with us." I told her like it was an obvious answer.

"No, I couldn't possibly burden you like that."

"It isn't a request, you're staying with us." I told her. She sighed and hugged me. "You'd never be a burden on us. We'd be happy to have you there."

"You're too nice."

"Yeah, I know." I smiled, cheekily. "We can drive Moony and Dad insane."


"Where's Harry, Hermione and Ron?" I asked Eli, looking around the common room. "Neville!" I sighed when I couldn't find any of them. "Where the bloody hell are they?" I asked. "It's like a ghost town in here!" I shouted, collapsing on the couch. None of my friends were around, and I had no idea where they might've been.

"I dunno, I suspect we'll find out soon enough. You should go to bed, You look exhausted." She said, grabbing my hand. I smiled at the gesture. "They always find themselves a way out of trouble."

"You're right, but I want to wait for them." I answered.

"Fine." She sighed, sitting next to me. "Oh, by the way," she said, pulling something out of her robes. "You weren't at breakfast this morning, so here." She gave me a letter addressed to me. I saw the over-familiar hand writing of my god father.

"Remus." I smiled. I opened it and read it carefully, smiling at his message. Every time I got a letter from him, it made my day so much better.

Dear Athena,

So, you're getting married now? I can't believe you're going to get married before me? You're growing up far too fast! Anyway, that doesn't matter. Your father and I are so happy for you. I know you and Fred can make it work. You've faced every challenge you've come across beautifully. I am so proud of the person you're becoming.

I know you did great on your exams, so don't even worry about it. I can't wait until you come home and I can bother you until you leave for training. Your father also can't wait until you get back. I think he misses you a lot. You see, apparently, according to him I'm not the best company. I think that is an absolute lie. I know you'd disagree. You love my company.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your last week at school, and I'll see you very soon. We both love you so much! Soak up every last minute at that castle, because this is the last bit of the best years of your life. Whatever you do, don't get in trouble in your last week! I can't wait to see you, be safe.

Love, Moony

I ended with a laugh and looked at Eli. She had her eyebrow raised and I smiled. "He's a character. Always knows how to get a smile on my face."

"So what do you want to do? If you're not going to bed we've got to keep busy. We don't have any classes or anything tomorrow so we can do whatever, I guess." She told me and I shrugged.

"It's pretty late so do you just wanna hang out here and see if they come back?" I asked. She gave a slight nod and kicked her feet up on the table in front of us.

"Alright, whatever you wanna do. I don't really care." She smiled and sat down beside me. We talked for a few hours. I eventually grew tired, almost too tired to hold my eyes open. I couldn't fall asleep without knowing the group of kids were safe. I had to wait for them to make sure they were okay. I kind of hoped that they were just sleeping in their bed up in the dorms, but I asked Dean and he said they had left. But to where? And why hadn't they told anyone where they were off to?

I wouldn't get those questions answered until later the next day, because I drifted into a slumber. But what I heard then next day wasn't something I would've never imagined.


I didn't believe it, it wasn't possible. This was just a joke, and he was okay. He loved jokes. He's a Marauder. Of course this was just a prank. There's no way Sirius Black was actually dead. Bellatrix didn't kill him and I'm holding Harry back from running through the veil for nothing, because he's going to step out again any minute, right? My chest ached at every second that passed as my realization hit me. Sirius wasn't coming back. My last friend, my best friend, was gone. When Bellatrix ran off, Harry broke free from my grip and started chasing after her. I didn't have the heart to follow him. My best friend. He was gone. I looked over at Tonks. She was staring at me as if I would blow up at any moment.

I felt tears fall down my face as I watched the static silence of the air around the veil where he stood moments before. I was in agony thinking about how the events played out. Tonks ran to my side. I held onto her arm, because I didn't feel like I could support myself on my own. I couldn't tear my eyes away from where he previously existed. Maybe if I imagined him there for long enough, he might just actually come. I didn't want to cry, but sometimes you can't help it. Sometimes things happen that you can't control. Even if you didn't plan it, or didn't want it. When they do, you can't expect yourself to be in total control of yourself. Grief and heartbreak are two extremely terrible things to go through, and at the same time it feels damn near impossible. So, I broke down. I was the only Marauder left, and it didn't feel right to say that. Not at all.

The whole time, I couldn't help but think of one thing. A person, more specifically. Harry got to see it, he could understand what happened. He could get closure at the fact of how he died. Athena was at Hogwarts with no clue of what was happening. Athena was safe, but had no idea that her father is now dead. My god daughter, and my responsibility is alone without knowledge that she's now truly an orphan.

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