Part 17 - Dancing With Void

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She jumps on me, and luckily, I'm still strong enough to hold her up.

Eve's a heavy woman, they all kind of are, maybe it's just a skill issue on my part.

She's also slightly obsessive, a minute without me to her is like an eternity.

But that's okay... that just means she cares about me.

It makes me feel even worse for what I did, but it comes out eventually, when I'm ready.

Eve: Look who I brought...


Y/N: Kai!

While I'm holding Eve, she comes in and steals a kiss.

Eve: Kai... honey... go do what you do best...

Kai: Okay!

She zooms away, right to my bedroom.

Y/N: What's she doing?

Eve: You want to know why she left Jax? She can spot a cheater from a mile away. Yasuo's... odd exchange in dialogue with a "Halloween planner" had me suspicious. So, I got the best of the best.

Y/N: You settle for nothing but the best...

Eve: And to that... that's why I'm with you...

We nuzzle each other as I carry her to my bedroom, her tails wrapping around my back for more stability.

Y/N: You should trust me, I don't think anything weird would happen.

Eve: A single woman, and a man who tries to rizz up every girl he talks to? Hmmm... the girl is very impressionable, innocent, waiting to be soiled by a... strong man like yourself. I mean, you have so much in common, so why not?

Y/N: You need to stop.

Eve: Did you... or did you not?

Y/N: I didn't...

I put her down on the bed and roll in next to her as Kai is rolling around the floor.

She's looking under the bed, checking the floor for footprints too.

Kai: I haven't been able to find anything... but... WHAT IS THIS?!

She shoots up to her feet, shoving the guinea pig plushie in my face.

Y/N: That was a gift from one of Lux's designers, they must be a big fan of me. Those also explain the logos on my bulletin board too.

Kai: Hmmm... was she cute?

Y/N: What? No! I never even saw them, that box just appeared in my parking spot! What logo do you guys like, actually?

Eve: The one with the headphones...

Kai: That is a good one, I liked the bottom one, but, hmmm... the lowercase in the second one is nice.

Y/N: Guess that's my logo then, it's growing on me.


Y/N: What...?

She holds up... oh... how do I explain that...

That's one of Sera's fake nails she had on.

It must've gotten knocked off when we had our rough start.

She was prying at my shirt, and when I pinned her to the bed, she must've accidentally ripped it off in the advance.

I got it...

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