Part 27 - Seraphine on the Saddle

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What situation can't be improved with pizza?

Story of my life... anyway, after the girls and I had our fun, we finished unpacking all the boxes.

After that, we came upstairs to some slab lying on the counter, waiting to be eaten.

This was my first time having pineapple on pizza, and it wasn't bad.

As long as pineapple isn't the only thing on there, it's straight fire.

Pineapple, bacon, olives, roasted garlic, was a great combo and is going to murder my insides in about 3 to 4 hours.

I'm not lactose intolerant, but I did eat too much of it.

It beats boring unseasoned chicken and rice every single night...

The last of us eating pizza are me and Seraphine, who are just looking awkwardly at each other. 

See, I can forget things pretty well, but with her... she keeps remembering. 

I see it in her eyes, she's uncomfortable, and I'm just waiting for her to do some kind of cliche act. 

Whether it's against me... or... she blabs to everybody all at once. 

I wonder what their reactions would be, actually, I don't know if I want to find out. 

I put my plate in the trash and take out the last empty box, then I sit back down across from Sera. 

Kali: Why aren't you guys talking? I thought you guys did a collab together?

Y/N: Uh, yeah, we did.

Sera: It's not that, it's... something else. 

I put my finger up to my lips with my eyes wide open as she says that, outside of Kali's view. 

Kali: Well, what is it? 

Sera: Never... u-uhm... *cough* lived across from a boy before. 

Ahri: Yes, you have, you slept across from-

Sera: Don't... mention his name... we don't speak of the man-whore who I shared a college dorm with.

Man-whore? Oh, she hasn't met me... oh wait, she has, but she doesn't know...

Y/N: Man... whore? 

Sera: Ben, my ex, I'd like it if we stopped talking about him, I hate his guts, I just hope he found happiness in his coffee shop...

Y/N: That bad, huh?

Sera: You wouldn't even know...

Y/N: Mmmmm... I could take a guess, he's the type to walk out and leave a nail behind or something. 

Sera: *Snicker!* Right... right... 

She goes stone-faced, realizing what I was teasing her about. 

Y/N: So, you doing a K/DA collab? 

Ahri: Oh, well now it's more than a collab...

Y/N: What? 

Eve: Mmmm... she has talent, Kai, Kali, and Ahri all agree, I just thought she wasn't bad... but that means she can stick around and learn if she wants.

Sera: And I did!

Y/N: You don't mean?!

Kali: You're talking to the new member of the K/DA!!! COMPLETE NEW MEMBER!!!

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