Part 3 - F***in'

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Yasuo: Welp... hey, thought I'd congratulate you on your first day, you know what you're getting paid? 

Y/N: I'm the only bartender in the mosh pit, so I can only hope it's good for the risk, as you would say. 

Ekko: Bro takes after you good. 

Yasuo: Fuck yeah, he knows his place, alright bro, catch ya. 

I dab up the rest of them as they leave with the 1:30 crowd. 

Bars and shit all close at 2, so they leave "early". 

What I didn't expect was the first night of many. 


As people leave, as I polish some glasses and wipe the counter, some golden claws stop me. 

I look up, fearing for my life... it can't be...

It's K/DA Evelynn, staring at me in the eyes.

N-n-n-n... n-n... NUT!!!

She looks distraught as those glowing goldies stare me down. 

Y/N: C-can I help you? Evelynn? 

Evelynn looks over at a drunkard leaning against the wall, then looks back at me. 

Evelynn: I need an angel shot, straight... up... as fast as possible. 

I see the guy in my peripheral. 

Y/N: Is that him? 

Evelynn nods. 

Y/N: This is my first day... so uhh... bear with me. 

Evelynn: Well, you seem to hold your own, darling.

I'M GONNA C- I need... to keep it cool... 

Y/N: S-so, I'll wipe up here, how bad do you need it? 

Evelynn: What do you think...

Y/N: Alright.

Within the crowd, we become hidden. 

Y/N: Follow me, stay close. 

As I take her to the back door, she grabs on my arm, so she doesn't get lost. 

I'd be lying if I wasn't feeling a little uneasy that a celebrity was grabbing onto my arm for protection.

Not to mention, a celebrity voted one of the sexiest women alive during the graduation party. 

We make it out into the back alley, and it's pretty safe, because other bars use this as their entry point. 

Y/N: Where's your car? 

Evelynn: That guy was my ride... 

Y/N: Well, I'm afraid I have no car, we can get you a ride, that's not hard. 

???: EVELYNN!!! WHY... *hiccup* you leave...

Y/N: Shit.



He gets sucked into the darkness and dragged away, that's all I hear. 

Jinx appears in the doorway. 

Jinx: You clocking out tonight Y/N? 

Y/N: Yep, the bar is clean! 

Jinx: Alright, see you tomorrow night, you alright Ms. Evelynn? 

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