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                   Around thirty students were situated  in the grandiose dining hall. Of course, unlike regular school, you were assigned seats. Looking at the many tables, which were labeled with "Common" or "Aquatic." 

                  Iseul was looking at a menu, with even little fears in each category. After a little bit of squinting, she found Nyctophobia, under the "Common" table(s). Seated with her was someone with the fear of heights- Acrophobia, and someone with a fear of spiders, Arachnophobia, which there were plenty of in the other tables labeled "Common." 

                  Almost everyone was there already, so Iseul just sat down, and read the small tablet she was given in her shared room. After a few minutes, a plentitude of people came in and sat down. The tablet had informed her that the thirty of so tables were only for one age group, and there were thousands of students at this institution.  To give it credit, the wording was very fancy. 

                   The dinner started with a voice over a loudspeaker "Well hello there, ladies and gentlemen. Dinner will start shortly, of course. No one wants you to starve, do we now? Of course. We have three new students, namely of Tryphobia, Acrophobia, and Nyctophobia. You have begin eating, and I'll see you at campfire!" 

                     After a quick silence, the loud clattering of silverware and chatting tweens filled the hall. The other people at her table, two other girls. Of course, one was a black-haired brown-eyed snarky girl from the bus, and the other must have a fear of spiders. 

                     There was a silence before the other girl- namely the one who was scared of spiders, broke the silence. "So, new recruits, hmm?" She asked, tilting her head as she dug into a plate of what looked like Stir Fried Pork? 

                      "I guess so, if that's what you called the fresh meat in your eyes." The other girl responded. 

                      "Well, you're in for a ride." The girl said, raising her eyebrows. "What are your names?"

                        "Joy." Joy said tursely, barely giving the other girl a second glance. 

                      "Name's Iseul." Iseul said, smiling before returning her gaze back onto her plate. 

                       "Nice to meet you guys. I'm Winter." Winter said, and after that no one talked in their table, and they all finished their meals before Winter told them that they were excused. 

                         "You don't have to wait for some entity to excuse you, you can just go." Winter said, as she led them towards the doors. "Here, almost no one cares about what you do or don't do."

                         "Ooh, at least they give us some sort of freedom here." Iseul remarked. Joy rolled her eyes slightly, but then she was always grumpy of some sort.

                              "I wouldn't say so. But if you know the school well enough, you won't go anywhere you're not supposed to." Winter shrugged. "Here, you'll benefit the most from just staying inside of your room."

                              "Ooh, maybe there are dungeons here! " Joy remarked sarcastically as they went to a wide plaza crowded with students emerging from the dining hall.

                              "Oh, there are," Winter told her. "Only for the claustrophobic people, though."

                              "That doesn't sound very humane."

                             "Nothing in this school is humane." 

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