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                           There was definitely something wrong with this "Leo" character. Joy was very sure of it. However, the almost endless droning of one of the teachers- Mr. Brown was having a lecture about the psychics of murder and how the fear of it arose, which could be interesting, but with barely any sleep, she could barely pay attention as he suddenly said- "Of course, the death of the our beloved former headmaster is not related to this lecture, but a fear of this could occur of one's beloved dying and them overprotective, leading them to be paranoid, another example of -" Joy blocked his voice out. Thinking about a suspicious character was much more interesting than listening to death- except something caught her attention. 

                            The death of a headmaster? Hmm. Interesting. Of course, pretty much anything was more interesting than listening to this lecture. Winter had shown them the library, she was going to have to look into that later. 

                            After about what felt like two hours, they were finally excused until the end of lunch, and the students all filed out of the symposium, all chatting excitedly. Unlike the previous meal at their first day, they were allowed to choose their own seats. Joy sat with Aurora and Iseul, letting them do most of the talking as she ate her lasagna in relative silence. (From Joy, at least. Iseul was yapping like a beaver.) 

                             Joy stood up after cleaning up the dishes, off to somewhere. "Where are you going?" Yipped Iseul, looking at the other (very annoyed) girl with curiosity. As we all well know, curiosity killed the cat. unfortunately, Iseul was not a cat nor was Joy in the mood to murder someone. 



                               "To see how our former headmaster died."

                                 Both of the girls eyes widened, now fully interested in going along with Joy. Joy has some issues with it, considering that both of the girls were slightly nosy, but she let them come along, because she still had a heart. 

                                  They went to the library, with complete silence as all the girls wondered on what they would find. 

                                   They, in fact found a startled looking "Leo" on a pretty modern looking computer. Joy silently went around, leaving a blushing and lingering Aurora and annoyed looking Iseul to deal with the suspicious figure. While looking at some books, she saw at the corner of her eye that Leo was looking at- Arsenic? 

                                    What in the world did this "Leo" guy want to- not know,  but buy Arsenic off the dark web?

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