50. Soulmates

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"A soulmate is an intense connection where both people feel deeply drawn together as if the affair was somehow destined to be," Baoshan said, "a lot of times, people marry out of love but they are not destined to be soulmates. There are also times where fate comes in and puts the connection between two people together in an intense bond. The two of you are fated even though you were both in an arranged marriage. You have formed a soul link between you two and now we have to determine how deep your bond does."

Wuxian and Wangji were sitting in a room together with Baoshan. There was a crystal ball between Wuxian and Wangji. The crystal ball is what will determine their soul link, "Okay, so if it isn't as strong now does that mean it cannot grow later?" Wuxian asked.

"No, it can grow more with time, but maybe it is already in its deepest phase," Baoshan said.

"What is that?" Wuxian asked.

"It is called Eternal Soulmates. Another term people use is called Twin Flames. Soul Mates share a bond of eternal Love. They have been together in past lives, they can be together in this lifetime, and they will be together in the future. True Love never ends for the souls as they travel from one life to the next. They are always fated to meet," Baoshan explained.

Wuxian nodded, "so this crystal ball will tell us what we are?" He asked.

"It will, all you two need to do is channel your spiritual energy into it together at the same time. The color will determine the bond," Baoshan explained.

Wangji and Wuxian looked at each other and nodded. They then placed a hand on the crystal ball and passed over some energy. After only a couple seconds, the crystal ball began to glow it's color. Just as Baoshan had expected, these two are the deepest form of soulmate, which are eternal soulmates or twin flames. The color was white. It was the color of the purest love to exist.

"You two are linked in every aspect," Baoshan said, "it linked with you two slowly because you needed to learn to trust each other. There can be no love without its truth, and no truth without its love. They will always work together to become one. Every affection has its mate as a partner; an affection of natural love has knowledge, and an affection of spiritual love has intelligence."

Wuxian and Wangji nodded and removed their hands from the crystal ball, "so when we start training, we have to work together more," Wuxian said, "also trust and communication is key."

"That is correct, and from the things I have seen so far from your memories, you two have been doing really well together. You trust each other with ease and you respect your partners privacy if they need it. You don't push your partner into something they don't want to do and you wait for them to come to you," Baoshan said, "that is what I am seeing. You have already built a strong bond, and it will only strengthen and grow over time. Especially when you train and learn to combine your strengths and skills together to create new ones."

The two nodded as they understood. After being tested, Wuxian and Wangji decided to go for a walk. The two just hung around the house and to the backyard. They went to a pavilion that sat in the middle of a lake that was not too far from the house. They sat down and just took in the refreshing breeze. Now that it was just the two of them, they were able to talk more about it.

"This is all so much that we have taken in so far. Me being back to where I was born, my memories, your parents true story...it's all so much. My brain is having a hard time keeping up with everything," Wuxian said.

"Me too," Wangji said, "but we can now take a couple days to let this information sink in. I can only imagine how much more we take in once we start training."

Wuxian nodded and took Wangji's hand, "I am just happy I have you here with me. I am happy that we are soulmates and who are destined to be together in every lifetime," he said, "I do not think I can ever live a life without you in it anymore."

"And you will not ever have to," Wangji said.

"With how our bond works, does it just grow as we dual cultivate or do you think there is more to it?" Wuxian asked.

"Possibly, we will know more about it from Baoshan I am sure," Wangji said, "I already know our bond is quite strong as I am able to sense your emotions. I am sure more will come out with time."

Wuxian nodded, "so since we are soulmates that also makes our energies compatible?"

"Mnn," Wangji responded, "we can share energy and help the other heal if they are injured. We can learn more about it if you want. I am sure Baoshan has books for us to look through."

"We can a bit later, I just want to sit here for a while," Wuxian said, "It's been a while since you and I really just sat around and did nothing."

"I also think it's been a while since you and I have been intimate," Wangji pointed out.

"Are you wanting to have sex with me right now?" Wuxian asked, boldly.

"Always," Wangji replied.

"Wow, you really are insatiable," Wuxian told him.

"You are too, you are just as bad as I am," Wangji pointed out, "Always begging me for more."

"Touché," Wuxian said.

"There you two are," Xichen said joining the two, "I was looking for you. I figured your meeting with Baoshan would be over."

"Sorry we forgot to inform you," Wangji said, "We just got out here a few minutes ago anyway."

"Baoshan told me," Xichen said, "Mind if I join you?"

"Sure," the two said.

"How did the meeting go? I did not ask Baoshan as I felt I could just ask you two," Xichen asked.

"It went well, we are eternal soulmates. She also called it Twin Flames," Wuxian answered, "We are meant to be together in every lifetime...according to fate anyway."

"I am honestly not surprised," Xichen told them, "You two have been very close since you married. I thought there was something special about the two of you and it turns out, there is."

"We just have to deal with training, but Baoshan is giving us a couple days to relax before that starts," Wangji said.

Xichen nodded, "I wanted to let you guys know that Xiaoru will be escorting me back to Gusu in a couple days," he said, "I just miss A'Feng and Haiyue. Baoshan gave me a token so I can teleport back anytime. She said to bring my family sometime. I wanted to let you two know that I was leaving soon."

"Okay, will you be working on my case with the Jiang's?" Wuxian asked.

"I will, Baoshan will be helping with that as well. We will have a trial set soon. We want you two to go through some training first though as you need to understand your abilities and how they work," Xichen explained.

"Okay," Wuxian said, "I do want to thank you for helping me when no one else was able to."

"No need to thank us, we are just glad you are now in a safer place," Xichen said, "And we would go through this all over again for you if we had to."

"I know, just thank you," Wuxian said. Xichen nodded and let it be. Though he had no reason to thank him and the rest of the sect, Xichen could understand his position. If he wanted to thank them, Xichen will allow it. He would have still done everything to help him and was happy he was his brother-in-law.

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