84. Power of Love 🥵

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🥵Mild mature content in this chapter🥵
~*Lan Wangji's POV*~

While Wei Ying was getting some rest, I went outside to the pavilion to calm my thoughts. Wei Ying has been hurt by me and he has a right to be upset. I never meant to keep information from him but I thought it would be better for his health.

"Is everything alright?" Baoshan asked as she joined me.

I looked at her and saw Xiongzhang with her, "Wei Ying is upset with me. He said that his trust broke in me because I kept secrets from him."

"Wangji, I thought you would be smart and include him in those intel messages I sent you," Xiongzhang said, "do you know how A'Feng and I lasted this long? Five years of a wonderful marriage?"

"I just thought it would be better so he wouldn't be overwhelmed and it affects his health," I said.

"Communicating with each other is the most important aspect in a relationship. I tell A'Feng everything. Even if she doesn't attend meetings, I tell her everything that happens in them. As First Madam, she needs to keep up with the situation in the Sect in case something happens to me and she needs to take over. Second master and second madam are similar in roles. You two are in charge if A'Feng and I are away. You two need to learn to talk. No matter what the topic of conversation is. Knowing A'Xian he can handle himself. You just want to keep him from harm as he is now expecting a child. It's the same for me with A'Feng, but she still has duties to do even when she is pregnant. Duties as a mother and a wife. You need to learn that," Xiongzhang explained.

"Wangji, why did you think keeping anything from Wei Ying would be a good idea?" Baoshan asked, "he will eventually find out and it will only upset him and make him think you do not trust him to handle things. He is losing trust in you because he feels you do not trust him. Yes, right now in his human form, he is more vulnerable but as Yina he is invincible. He is stronger than you know, and I honestly think you do know that but lost sight in that. Your duty as a husband is to love and protect him and since he entered your life, protecting him is all you've done. You have to learn to let him start fending for himself instead of relying on you all the time. You are just one person and after the baby comes, you will have to learn balance between fatherhood and married life. Each relationship is different but there are similarities between them, and it's how to handle them that can make a relationship better or worse."

"I've been trying to talk to him, and listen to what he's saying. I've apologized and said I won't do anything like that again, but he will not listen to me," I said.

"He will, but you need to learn to master the taming skill. It's the only way he will learn to listen. It's not a way to control him, that's why you struggle with it. It isn't control, it's soothing and comforting him, keeping his temper down, and most importantly, being his friend and lover," Baoshan said, "now go to him. Try to talk to him."

I nodded and watched the two walk away. I sighed and decided to go find Wei Ying. He was exactly where I left him. He was resting in bed but he was now waking up from a nap. He looked sad. Seeing him this way hurts and I have to fix it.

"I am sorry I kept things from you," I said, "since I married you, I've gotten used to doing things to protect you. I know that you can defend yourself but as your husband, I will always want to protect you. I love doing things for you, it makes me feel like I am wanted in this relationship. I like tending to you because I like seeing you happy and smiling."

Wei Ying looked at me for a moment before speaking, "what makes you think I don't want you or want your protection?" He asked, "I love that you protect me, but I don't like it when you do it in a way by keeping secrets," I just looked at him as I listened, "Lan Zhan, you are the first person I have ever come to trust and I always will trust you. I love more than anything else and all I want is for you to talk to me like you want me to talk to you. I feel the burden weighing on your shoulders and you never say anything. I always feel like I am being too much on you and I never say anything because I don't want to make it worse."

I sat down beside him, "I love you too, Wei Ying, and you are not and have never been a burden to me. I am not used to voicing out my issues, and I know you've long since known that. I will try to be better with it and I promise I will talk to you about everything. Just promise me you will do the same."

"I promise you," he said, "as soul-bonds, we are to trust each other and learn to be there for each other. We are together in many ways. I will always want you, Lan Zhan. Do not ever think that I don't."

I pulled him into a hug and kissed him. I felt our energy merge with each other as it always did. It was always so warm and soothing. I could feel his love for me so much more deeply when we are this connected. I waved my hand and placed a privacy ward over our room and a lock talisman on our door. The next thing I knew, our clothes were off and I was making love to him. The entire time we were engulfed by our spiritual essence. The room was filled with a bright white light. It was the purest form for spiritual essence to exist. Our love was so strong that we reached the purest form of energy.

I felt our silver cores dissolve into our spiritual channels and I could feel our power getting so much stronger. We were...ascending. We reached the highest level of immortality and we are one step away from ascending to gods. We were at Baoshan's level. We gave into our love and it was so powerful that we got stronger. No matter the power though, it meant nothing to me if Wei Ying wasn't with me, and I am grateful that he was. We were both lost in our love for the rest of the day and we were hidden away. I'm sure the others would understand and we can explain later. All I wanted right now, was to love my husband in every possible way.

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