30. Fractured Ice

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Lan Xichen was spending some time with his wife and daughter. Haiyue was getting bigger and more vocal. She even started crawling. Lan Feng and Lan Xichen placed her on the floor and then put some items down to see what intrigued Haiyue. Though it was not on the floor, Haiyue went over to Xichen and took hold of Liebing (Fractured Ice).

"So, you like Liebing," Xichen said, "I will have to keep that in mind."

"Such a Daddy's girl," Lan Feng said.

"She is spoiled either way whether it is me or you. Even one of the elders or Shufu," Xichen said.

"Did you want to share the news with Shufu?" Lan Feng asked.

"Later I have a meeting with him," Xichen replied, "I will then." As the three hung out, the butterfly that Wangji sent made it's way to Xichen.

"Who is it from?" Lan Feng asked.

"Wangji and Wuxian," Xichen replied and listened to the message. Lan Xichen was a bit shocked.

"What is wrong?"

"Wangji said they found some information on Wuxian. They met a companion that used to be around Wuxian's parents. From what was just discovered, the Jiangs are in a lot more trouble then they now realize," Xichen said.

"Why? What did they find?" Lan Feng asked.

"We know that Wuxian's mother is the daughter to Baoshan Sanren but she is also the person who owns the entirety of Celestial Pass and it makes Wuxian an heir. Also, Wei Changze, Wuxian's father was a descendant of a dragon king so Wuxian has dragon in his bloodline," Xichen explained, "I need to get this information to Shufu."

"Go, I can handle Haiyue for a bit," Lan Feng said, "this is serious if that is really true."

Xichen nodded and left to find his uncle. He then told Lan Qiren everything that Wangji had sent him. Lan Qiren was mortified and knew that when or if Baoshan ever found out about this, the Yunmeng Jiang Family will more than likely go extinct.

"If this holds true, then this is very serious," Qiren said, "we would end up safe as we helped Wuxian out of that situation but it will still be a very difficult situation for the Jiang's."

"I almost do not want to say anything to the Jiang Sect about this new information and wait to see if Baoshan will come forward," Xichen said.

"We could hold off but we can still prepare everything we have for evidence. That will be important," Lan Qiren said, "this companion, is it to be trusted?"

"It used to belong to Wuxian's parents. Apparently it has been waiting for someone in Wuxian's family to return to him," Xichen explained.

"It's a very devoted companion, did they say what it was?" Lan Qiren asked.

"A magpie," Xichen said, "not really too big of a deal as they are small."

Lan Qiren nodded, "We already let Wangji get away with having his rabbits so the magpie is just another little one for them. Though it sounds spiritual then."

"I would assume so," Xichen said, "oh, I laid out some things for Haiyue but she didn't touch them. She grabbed Liebing instead."

"So she will be interested in music," Lan Qiren said, "not really surprised but it is cute that she likes your flute. We can get her one of her own when she is older."

"We can start her on a simple one but when she is ready I want to teach her how to properly cultivate a flute," Xichen said.

"I will allow it," Shufu said, "she is a good child."

"She is started to learn to babble though," Xichen warned.

"That is fine, let her explore," Lan Qiren said, "it has been a long time since we had an heiress. Her teachings will be similar to yours but also have some differences in them. My mother left her old books and scrolls behind. I am sure Haiyue would like them when she is older."

"That would be lovely," Xichen said.

"How has Lan Feng been?" Lan Qiren asked.

"She is doing good, she and I get along really well," he answered, "she is also very patient. She cares about the sect just like I do."

"We got lucky with her," Lan Qiren said, "the Jin Sect has had some defects lately so it is good that we have something good from there."

Xichen nodded, "that is true...for Wuxian's case, should we wait?"

"It is probably best if we wait," Lan Qiren said, "I'm sure the boys will keep us informed about anything new. I just think we should give them a few days or so before we really decide to either proceed or wait on the trial."

"Alright," Lan Xichen said.

After talking with Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen when on his way. He decided to make his rounds before heading home. He even spent some time with Wangji's rabbits, making sure they were fed and had some attention. He then made his way back to his wife and daughter.

Wuxian and Wangji were both preparing to set out the in two days. They spent some time training, working on their swordsmanship and then on some new abilities. Wangji managed to master the cloud ascension spell that Wuxian had guided him through. They spent most of the day just training. By evening, they were pretty tired so they had a nice warm bath before bed. Of course, Wangji and Wuxian couldn't go to sleep until they had their everyday means everyday time.

They woke up feeling refreshed. Apparently, dual cultivation after a day of training helps them get their energy back. It is also very pleasurable so they couldn't deny that there were benefits to it. They felt as if they could go for another day of training but they spent the day preparing their things to head out. They knew the road ahead was not going to be easy. They had a goal and they were determined to make it to Celestial Pass. They worked well together and they know that can get get through it.

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