52. Jiang Yanli

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Baoshan was in her study and was thinking about Wei Wuxian's martial sister. To gain more insight and knowledge about her, Baoshan would need to sit down and speak with her. Before that, she summoned Bai Ze to give her a little knowledge of his own.

"Hello Baoshan," Bai Ze greeted.

"Bai Ze, it's wonderful to see you," she said happily, "I was hoping that you could tell me something about someone I need some insight on."

"All I need is the name and I can tell you what I can," Bai Ze said.

"Her name is Jiang Yanli," Baoshan told him.

"Jiang Yanli, also know as XiFeng Furen, Master of the Western Winds. She is one of four of the wind masters. She eldest daughter of Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian and older sister to Jiang Wanyin, and older martial sister to Wei Ying. Many describe her appearance to be above average at best, but she is actually a beautiful gem. Her complexion was snowy white and her hair is long and dark. Her eyes speak of kindness and compassion, and she has a motherly aura.

Jiang Yanli's personality was mild, with nothing too notable. She enjoyed cooking for others, especially her brothers, and was implied to prefer cooking over cultivation. Underneath her gentle and polite exterior, however, Jiang Yanli was fiercely protective of her family. She refused to tolerate any insults towards her sworn brother Wei Wuxian, and she alone possessed the ability to stay by his side through his harsh treatment from her mother.

Her mother is close friends with the Madam of the Lanling Jin Sect and had set up her daughter for an arranged marriage with her friend's son when they came of age. Due to her close bond with Wei Wuxian, the marriage was nullified and she was locked away to her room as punishment for aiding him. It was only when you summoned her here, that she has a new chapter in her life."

Baoshan nodded and took in the information as it was revealed. She became curious about the master of Western Wind Cultivation, "who are the four wind masters?" She asked curiously.

"Known as the four masters of wind, The first is Master of the Northern Winds, Běi fēng Jun who is known to be Lan Wangji. The second is Master of the Southern Winds, Nán fēng Jun who is also your grandson Wei Ying. The third is Master of the Eastern Winds Nie Huaisang who is titled Dōngfēng Jun. Finally we have Jiang Yanli, Master of the Western Winds, Xīfēng Furen," Bai Ze answered.

"What was the purpose of becoming wind masters?" Baoshan asked.

"Jiang Yanli struggled with cultivation growing up. Due to pressures of being The Violet Spider's daughter, she didn't want to live up to her expectations and took more to cooking. Nie Huaisang is from the Qinghe Nie Sect and they cultivate sabers. He had no desire to wield a saber so Wei Ying studied the arts of wind cultivation and fan martial arts and trained the two along with his husband. Wei Ying had a natural talent for wind cultivation and mastered it quickly. He was happy to help the two learn a new form of cultivation that did not require a sword or saber," Bai Ze explained.

"I see," Baoshan said and was actually quite impressed with her grandson's achievements so far, "Thank you Bai Ze for your information."

"It is my pleasure, call for me again if you need me," he said before returning back to the entrance of Celestial Pass.

After receiving the information from Bai Ze, Baoshan went to go sit down with Yanli for a bit to talk with her. She already knew that Yanli had a very kind heart and does not want to harm anyone. She was peaceful but she had a fierce side when her Shidi is threatened. Baoshan found it sweet that someone was so protective of Wuxian. Despite being unable to get him out of an abusive situation, she still stuck by him and helped him with his wounds and always made sure he was fed. Baoshan was grateful for her, so she wanted to sit down and really talk with Yanli.

When Baoshan saw Yanli again after arriving, she looked more lively. When Yanli first arrived she was pale and had red eyes from crying. There were dark circles under her eyes that she looked so hurt and so low spirited. Seeing her now after a couple days, she gained color back in her skin and her eyes were also bad.

"How are you feeling, Dear?" Baoshan asked.

"I am feeling a lot better than how I felt when we first met," Yanli answered.

"How are you holding up?" Baoshan asked, "you must have a deep wound in your heart right now."

Yanli sighed, "I know my parents were not the greatest but I never expected them to be like this. They disowned me for helping A'Xian in his time of need. They were so furious that I helped him. I never thought my parents would do that."

"A lot of the time, we cannot control how people act," Baoshan told her, "but you are here now and you can have a fresh start. You can use wind cultivation and I want to teach you some methods that will help you later on."

"I appreciate the help. I do apologize if I am intruding," she said.

"Nonsense," Baoshan said, "A'Ying speaks very highly of you. Aside from the Lans, you stuck by his side. Even if it was a bit difficult at times."

Yanli nodded, "how are they, Wangji and A'Xian? I know Wangji just saw everything that A'Xian has been through. Is he doing okay?"

"They are doing fine. Wangji seems to be more determined to protect him," Baoshan told her.

"Wangji is very kind," Yanli said, "at first I was a bit nervous for the marriage arrangement between A'Xian and Wangji. There was always these rumors circulating that he was strict, maybe even more so than his Uncle Lan Qiren. Those who say that are definitely wrong. It's almost as if they haven't met Lan Wangji but choose to have an opinion of him."

"I heard the old man has really eased up when A'Ying moved to Cloud Recesses," Baoshan said.

"I am sure he did," Yanli said, "some time after they married, the Lan Sect held guest lectures. I was there with Jiang Cheng. When I saw A'Xian again he gained weight and he was much happier. He was finally being educated and had a sword of his own. Knowing that he was finally in a safe place was so relieving. I was just glad he is still alive."

"I am too, and I want you to know, your family will have to deal with the price of causing A'Ying so much trauma. They will also be dealt with for neglecting you too," Baoshan said.

"I do not wish to go back there if my parents are still going to act like children," Yanli said, "I hope it's okay that I stay here for a while."

"Of course it's okay, and I want to help you improve more with your cultivation as a way to thank you for helping A'Ying when he needed it," Baoshan said.

"No need to reward me, I'd rather just see him get the justice he deserves. And I am willing to improve on my skills too. I just don't like the idea of living up to the expectations of my mother," Yanli said.

"You do not have to live by her expectations or standards. You will create your own," Baoshan said, "and I will make sure that you able to create your own legacy not live by someone else's."

"Thank you," Yanli said. Baoshan nodded and was all the more excited to help this girl. She was so kind and she deserved to gain her confidence and strength. Baoshan was going to help her find it.

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