31. Aoyin

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With Xiaoru on Wuxian's shoulder, Wuxian and Wangji continued their journey to Celestial Pass. They were now walking through a heavily forested area so it could be easy to get lost. Luckily, Xiaoru knows the way and can help point them in the right direction.

"I must warn you, we are in a very dangerous area of this forest right now, so be prepared," Xiaoru told them.

"Is there something we need to watch out for?" Wuxian asked.

"There is, it is Aoyin," Xiaoru replied.

"Who or what is Aoyin?" Wuxian asked.

"They are commonly seen around mountainous areas as well as this forest here as it is right next to Celestial Pass. The guards of celestial pass have placed a small herd of them to protect the area and it is to challenge any cultivator who wishes to join them," Xiaoru explained.

"What do they look like, and what do they do?" Wuxian asked.

"I have read about Aoyin before," Wangji said, "At first glance, they appear to be a regular bull or ox, but they have four horns, a fearsome set of fangs, and a cruel intellect behind its eyes. Aoyin are almost wholly carnivorous and while they will eat any form of meat, even other Aoyin, if other prey is scarce. They favor the flesh and meat of humanoids over all others. Most aoyin are slightly larger and heavier than average cattle."

"So they feed on humans," Wuxian said, "is there anything that we need to know about them specifically?"

"Aoyin prefer to charge into combat, catching foes upon their horns and then dashing them to pieces against the environment or other creatures. While aoyin may occasionally hunt in a mated pair or herds, they maintain a selfish possessiveness over their kills," Xiaoru explained, "so it is best to steer clear of them."

"Is there a way to attack them if we are put in that situation?" Wuxian asked.

"They are very heavy so you have to find a way to protect yourself. Their horns are very sharp and they are very cunning creatures. You need to be quick and agile with them," Xiaoru said.

"Lan Zhan, if by chance we come across one, would your chord assassination work?" Wuxian asked.

"Potentially," Wangji replied, "remember we are immortal and you have been studying a lot of knew skills. We are masters of the north and south wind. We will have to work together and communicate if we need to fight."

Wuxian nodded and made sure his sword was in hand and his fans were at his waist. They walked through the forest and all seemed okay so far. They then heard loud breathing, almost as if someone was either sleeping, as the breaths seemed calm at the moment.

"To your left, that is Aoyin," Xiaoru whispered, "it is asleep but they have good hearing so be careful."

Upon looking, it really did look like a bull or ox like creature. It was asleep at the moment and looked as if it just enjoyed a happy meal. There were skeletal bones scattered around the creature some still having flesh on them some completely cleaned.

"If there is one, there may be another not far away," Xiaoru whispered, "they are in herds."


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Wangji and Wuxian manage to scoot on by unscathed. They remained quiet for a long time as they walked. Just then, a loud noise sounded from behind them. They quickly turned and saw one ready to charge their way. Wuxian got Suibian to the ready and Wangji had Bichen in hand. He even had his guqin on his back as he was sure he may need to use it.

"Look, I'm sure you mean well," Xiaoru said to Aoyin.

Aoyin stomped his hooves and prepared himself to take action. There was hunger and the urge to kill its prey in its eyes. Aoyin charged towards them, but missed as the two jumped out of the way quickly, causing Aoyin to ram into a nearby tree. Wuxian put Suibian away and started to fight with his newer abilities. He summoned three fire balls and launched them to Aoyin, hitting him squarely on the head. Aoyin shook his head in anger as it tried to get the burning sensation out of his eyes.

Wangji used the chance to use chord assassination and with it, he managed to choke the Aoyin. Wuxian took out Suibian again and lunged, stabbing his flank. Aoyin rawred out of anger and pain as Wuxian shoved his sword in deeper, puncturing the bull's lung. Wuxian pulled out Suibian and stepped back. Though wounded, the Aoyin was still willing to put up a fight.

Wuxian and Wangji looked at each other and nodded. They summoned a large gust of wind and leaves, combining their energy together as one and created the cloud ascending spell in a new light. They launched the storm forward throwing the Aoyin across the forest floor. It was now too injured to continue to fight. Wangji and Wuxian didn't want it to suffer in any more pain so they decided to end its life out of mercy.

"We did it," Wuxian said and hugged Wangji, even planting a kiss on the man's lips. Wangji held him tightly and kissed him back. It was definitely rewarding when you can kiss your significant other after fighting a dangerous creature.

"You two did well," Xiaoru said as the two pulled apart, "but the path is still yet to be challenging. We have a little ways to go before reaching Celestial Pass. If we travel up ahead a little further, we will be safe enough to set up camp for you two to rest."

"Alright," Wuxian said, "but just let us have or moments for now. It's not everyday you battle such a creature and survive."

"That is true," Xiaoru said, "now follow me."

Wangji took Wuxian's hand and followed Xiaoru as he flew ahead of them, leading them to a safe location for them to camp for the night. It was also near a river so the two could clean up as they had blood on them. After cleaning up, they caught some fish within the river and cooked them over a fire. They ate and slept through the night. Xiaoru kept watch over them as they slept. He was a light sleeper as it was, so he was able to keep an eye out for any signs of trouble.

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