"I am the sea, and he is the sky, and we could only appear this close, but we are actually miles apart, and we're never going to be together.
What a devastating thought."
Life is a never-ending struggle, a capitalist hell where most people must...
"So, what shall we play now that we ate?" Jimin rubbed his hand, and Crystal couldn't help but chuckle; he looked strikingly similar to a fly rubbing its little hands mischievously.
Everyone was sitting in the large chairs around the big fire pit on the patio in the garden, listening to the sounds of the insects that were probably jumping around the grass in the dark.
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Jinki and Lydia were roasting marshmallows together, Jude and Key were dipping them in Nutella, Minho, Taemin and Kai were drinking beer and chatting and Jimin and Crystal were busying themselves with glancing around and observing the others.
Jimin probably got bored of doing nothing, so he let that question go and float around in the air. Everyone ignored him.
"Psst. Can I borrow that?" He leaned over to Crystal and pointed to the napkin in her hand. She was folding and unfolding it mindlessly, keeping her hands busy.
"This?" Crystal raised it in the air. "Sure, what for?"
"Watch this."
Jimin folded it in a ball and threw it to hit Kai's head, making the three boys drinking beer look in their direction.
"Yah, what was that for?" Kai asked, annoyed.
"It was Crystal." Jimin raised his hands in front of him protectively, and looked at the girl in an accusing way.
"Woah, Crystal, wanna go back in the water and finish that war we started earlier?!" Kai stood up and shouted, making Taemin and Minho laugh.
The commotion made the other two pairs pay attention as well, when Jimin decided that the moment was perfect to ask the magic question again. Only this time, it wasn't a question, but a demand.
"Let's play something! 1001 questions, to get to know each other."
"Boring." Key whined.
"What, you wanna play Truth or Dare and have to dress up as a clown again?" Taemin mocked him, making Key raise a fist in the air threateningly.
"Oh my! Did that happen?" Jude laughed, and Key started a heartfelt speech about how much Taemin's been bullying him ever since they met.
"Truth or Dare sounds funnier to me too." Jinki added.
"Let's vote. Who wants to play 1001 questions?" Taemin said, and saw Crystal's, Jimin's and Jude's hands in the air. "Then, what about Truth or Dare?" All the other people around the fire raised their hands, so the game was decided.
"Let's use this." Minho said, chugging down his bottle and placing it empty in front of him.
"It's going to be a bit difficult with the fire and all..." Jimin titled his head. Let's just have someone spin it every round, and we'll see how it goes.