The Night

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The music was blasting loudly with the people around dancing and moving their bodies crazily to the dj's beats. The entire place was filled with neon and LED lights, the air was thick with the scent of alcohol and sweat mingled with perfume, cologne and the subtle fragrance of fine cocktails. The night started out as a blur of endless dancing, drinking and lots of making out.

"Melena!" Sabrina called out from a distance with two shots in her hands.

"Actually," I leaned in, my voice barely audible, "I think I've had enough."

"Oh, come on!" She rolled her eyes. "The night is young and you turned 21 for crying out loud. We paid a shit ton of money to be here and I'm not leaving until I feel like my money's worth!"

I rolled my eyes at her determination and took the shot from her, the familiar feeling burned the back of my throat and I winced. How many shots have I had already? Seven or perhaps even ten? I could tell that the alcohol was getting to me as everything around me was slowly starting to get blurry and hazy. So much for coming to one of the most expensive clubs.

I looked around aimlessly, observing my surroundings when I suddenly felt a pair of hands rest softly around my shoulders. I turned around and saw Adam, and next to him was him Lucas, both of them looking at me with concern. I shot them a confused glance not understanding their sudden behaviour and then realised that my entire body was swaying from side to side and they were waiting, ready to catch me if I end up falling.

"Well, someone had more than they could handle." Adam laughed when my legs finally gave out, he caught me with ease and wrapped his arms around my waist to hold me up.

"Shut up..." I muttered against his chest, his heartbeat was wild.

"Sabrina should really catch a break too." Luke muttered while glancing at the blonde who was still at the bar, flirting with the bartender for free drinks.

I couldn't help but smile at his words. "Then stop her."

He scoffed knowing damn well she won't unless she really wants to. "As if she'll listen."

"That guy seems to be pretty intrested in her. I wonder..." I teased.

He glared at me coldly. "I'll be back." And then went to get her away from that man.

"If he likes her that much then he should just confess already." I laughed, sinking deeper into Adam's embrace. "It's been forever."

"Yeah." Adam sighed, eyeing our two best friends. "Lucas? Confessions? Man's shit scared of ruining their friendship."

"Well, someone needs to grow a pair." I muttered, "maybe it'll give me the courage to do the same someday."

I could feel his whole body go stiff at my comment. I didn't realise what I had said until I said it. I mentally smacked myself and did my best to avoid eye contact with him after that.

"You can go ahead and enjoy too, you know." I told him after a few minutes passed, knowing very well that the only reason he was staying sober was for all of our sakes. He felt responsible for all of us.

He shook his head. " "Nah, I'm good. You know I'm not much of a drinker anyway."

"Still, I hate that you're always the nanny of our group."

He laughed at my choice of words. "Nanny, huh. Ouch."

I smiled up at him. Adam was a decent guy. He was tall, handsome, had curly brown hair that matched his eyes, had a great personality and was blessed with a great dressing style.

"Where's Violet?" I asked, looking around our table and his eyes widened.

"Can you hold yourself together for like ten minutes?" He asked. "I need to make sure she's not passed out in the washroom."

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