Just Peachy

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To my surprise, the "situation" was dealt with perfectly in no time at all. Within seconds, with just one phone call, Marcellus's men came through. They all worked with practiced efficiency, whisking the lifeless body away and scrubbing the scene clean in a way that no one could even tell that a murder happened in there just an hour ago.

As I watched them work, the realization came to me. They were used to all of this. This kind of violence, this kind of clean up, it was a horrifyingly normal part of their world. That's why they were so unfazed and calm and now that I think of it, so was everyone else in the room, everyone except me. They only were worried for me, afraid that I might faint or something.

I was shifted to another room for the time being. It was a bit further down the hallway but still on the same floor. The room was just as big if not exactly as massive the master bedroom.

Mrs Verlice helped me settle down and made sure I got made a hot cup of herbal tea. I told her it wasn't necessary but she still insisted. Noah was also there, sitting on the sofa to my right with his dad.

This time, surprisingly, Xander called his family doctor for me. He came through within minutes and asked if I was in pain to which I just shook my head. He nodded and told Xander I was still in shock. I couldn't help but laugh at the amount of concern everyone was showing me. I glanced around and no one found it funny.

Thankfully, I didn't need any stitches on my forehead. He ended up putting alcohol on a cotton ball to clean the cut before putting a bandage over it.

I stole a glance at Noah. His eyes were red, he looked so done and fed up, even with the classic poker face he had on he wasn't fooling anyone. He looked so young, so out of place in this whole mess. I tried to catch his eye, hoping to silently convey some form of reassurance, but he studiously avoided my gaze. He was probably mad at me for making such a fuss. For causing such chaos.

I felt guilty for it. Guilty that I caused so much trouble, guilty that I was in this mess in the first place, and most of all guilty that I couldn't seem to find any words to comfort him.

The doctor left soon after.

"How are feeling now, dear?" Mrs Verlice asked.

I tried for a smile, but it must have looked more like a grimace. "Peachy." I mumbled. "Just peachy."

"Now, I just need to get you both to behave properly." She sighed, giving her husband a look that clearly communicated her exasperation. "I don't know what the hell you boys have been fighting about, but enough is enough. You can't let your emotions get the better of you like this."

"Mom," Noah groaned, his voice dripping with exasperation. "Really, this was just a disagreement. It's over now."

"Really? Because it looks like more than that to me." She replied, raising an eyebrow. "And why does it seem that it always involves you, Alexander?" She added, looking pointedly at Xander.

He turned to Noah, his eyes burning with anger. "Why don't you just admit it?" He spat, his lips curled in disgust. "You've been obsessed with her ever since I brought her in."

"That's bullshit." Noah retorted, his voice rising in pitch. "You're just jealous because she likes me more than you."

"Jealous?" Alex echoed, his laughter bitter and mocking. "Please, you're deluding yourself. She's not even worth it."

I sighed inwardly, knowing full well what was about to happen next. But I couldn't bring myself to stop it. I was too tired, too drained, too numb to care anymore.

"How can you just let go of the fact that she was nearly raped tonight?" Noah questioned and I just stared at Xander, daring him to deny it.

He didn't disappoint. "Is that what you call it?" He sneered, his eyes raking over my body.

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