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"Alex, please." I was literally begging him now, my hands clenching the dirt in my hand as they shook. My throat felt sore from all the crying and screaming.

It had stopped raining but it was still very dark, I don't know how many hours had passed since I ran away, and to my surprise he actually listened to my pleas for once and stopped assaulting me. He took off his coat and threw it coldly around my shivering body.

"Get back to the quarters." He commanded to his men. "I'll be right there."

They all left instantly and soon it was only us two. He sighed at the sight of me, half dead, hurt, and barely breathing on the ground. He kneeled down and swooped me off the filthy ground into his arms. My instincts took over, and I reached out for him, wrapping my arms around his neck to hold him closer. I did not care if this was same man who just showed me hell a few minutes ago. I couldn't bear this feeling anymore, it's pathetic, I know. But I just needed someone, anyone...

"You do shit like this again and I kill your loved ones next." His warning held a promise and from his serious demeanor I could tell he'd do it in a heartbeat, without showing any mercy. After all, he is a murderer. I couldn't help but shiver at my own thoughts.

I must have lost consciousness along the way, because the next thing I knew, we were back at his place, and he was gently placing me on a soft bed. I found myself in his room, and as soon as his touch left my body, the panic set in, and I urgently reached out for him, pulling him close to me. He froze for a second, taken aback by this sudden change in my behavior.

Minutes ago I wanted him dead and now I was clinging onto him like a puppy. I hope he understands that my touch is not intimate in any way. I just can't be by myself right now. I could feel the panic attack coming already...

"Don't go." I whispered helplessly against his body and hated myself for it.

"I thought you hate me." He sounded unamused, almost robotic.

I closed my eyes shut to stop the tears from forming. "Just...don't leave me here. I don't know what I'll do when you leave..."

I felt his body tense against mine and then he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. He buried his face in my neck, his hair brushed against my cheek as he drew me nearer. I inhaled the familiar smell of his colonge which was the closest thing that felt like home to me now.

"Don't fucking say that." He murmured. "I don't know what I'll do if something happened to you."

"Then why did you hurt me?" My voice broke.

"Love," He cradled me in his arms. "When you ran away from me, do you know what it did to me? I was terrified. I ran to get you, not caring about the world. But then I saw Noah and my anger just exploded, and I ended up beating the shit out of him. And he took it all. Wanna know why? Because he knew he was at fault for leaving you alone when he was strictly ordered not to."

His words made me cringe backwards, but he tightened his grip on me. "What I'm trying to say is, if I hadn't punished you for what you did, you would have made the same mistake again. I care about you, Melena, a lot. It hurts me deeply to resort to such extreme measures, but then again, you never seem to listen to me. You always end up breaking my trust. Just when I think you're letting me in, you fucking run away."

"It fucking hurts." I whispered, not having the energy to shout at him or even hit him. "Everything fucking hurts."

"As it should." He simply said, satisfied with my words. "Try to leave again, and I'll go after your friends next."

I let out a low scuff. How heartless can someone be? He claimed me as his own, assaulted me multiple times and even went so far as to hitting me. He's not a man, he's a monster.

"What happens when you get bored of me?"


"You said you kidnap women who are your type right?" I looked up at him to analyse his expressions but all I saw were dead, dull eyes, devoid of any emotions. "What'll happen to me, Alex?"

"I'll just dispose of you." He clarified, looking away.

I stared at him for a long moment. I didn't feel any anger, saddnes or even betrayal. I gave up my entire life for him and if he ends up losing interest in me, I'd just be another dead fish in his sea. I finally asked him the question I'd been meaning to ask him for a long while, the in that's been haunting me ever since I got here.

"Where are the other women, Xander?" My voice came out stronger than I imagined.

He didn't answer immediately.

"What did you do?"

"They are all dead." He sighed. "I killed them."

I nodded at his answer. The lump in my throat gardened and soon enough the tears started to fall as the reality of the situation started kicking in.

He doesn't love me, he never did. I'm just a fucking posession for him. Like a shiny new toy he'll keep playing with until it finally breaks, and then he'll throw me away just like the rest of his other toys.

"You're so fucking heartless," Disbelief was clear in my voice. "I can't believe people like you exist."

He laughed darkly, tightening his hold around me enough to make my skin red with his fingerprints. "I get women everywhere I go, Melena Hart. You're no special, the only reason I haven't killed you yet is because you keep things interesting around here. As soon as you start being a burden in my life, you'll be gone in no time."

I smiled at his threatening words. So that's really how it is huh. I tried unwrapping his arms around my waist but once again, he didn't budge.

"Where do you think you're going?" He questioned.


His expressions changed from surprise to neutral, my heart was racing, my head was dizzy and my subconscious was screaming at me to not do this again but I didn't fucking care. He's gonna kill me anyways, I'd much rather prefer if it was sooner.

"I hate you." I was crying again. "I fucking hate you, Marcellus. I wish I never met you, I wish that night never happened. I wish I never ran into you. I wish I had listened to Adam for once. I was dead before—"

He cut me off by covering my mouth with his large hands and pinned me down on the soft mattress.

"You've been running your fucking mouth around for a while now." He hissed in my ear, causing me to squirm in his hold.

"Did you forget your place or do you want me to remind you? Look at yourself." He spit the words at me and I braced myself for the hurt. "Look at how fucking pathetic you are. You're not even that beautiful, nor do you have a great body. Your looks are awful, and now that I think about it, you're just a basic bitch with bad attitude problems."

"Then fucking kill me already!" I yelled, hitting him on his chest as hard as I could manage. "If you hate me so much then fucking shoot me how you were about to back in the woods!"

"Oh, I will." He growled, gripping both my arms. "I give you my fucking word. I will."

"Great." I snapped, refusing to back down. What more can I loose anyway? "Can't wait to finally be fucking free."

And before I could even let my words finish, he threw me down on the cold, hard marble floor, I knew what was coming but only this time, it actually hurt more than it ever did.

My screams echoed throughout the hallways of his home where no one would come and save me.

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