Counting down

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•Melena Hart•

The air was heavy when I stepped out of the house. It was dark and silence was broken only by the chirping of crickets. I just needed a breath of air that wasn't stale and recycled inside these four walls. Though I still wasn't allowed to roam the world beyond the imposing gates. I couldn't even if I wanted to, Xander had his people guarding the gates at all times.

I decided to take a long walk in the garden, the soft crunch of gravel beneath my feet felt somewhat settling. I was soon greeted by a riot of color. It was like someone had spilled a giant paint palette across the lawn. Every flower imaginable bloomed there, their sweet scents mingling in the air. The garden stretched on for acres, its edge blurring into the area reserved for the horses.

I had just recently discovered Xander's little hobby. Apparently, the man who controlled my every move needed an outlet for some reason. So he bought a whole damn ranch, just so he could ride a horse around whenever fancy struck him.

"Gotcha." A voice whispered in my ear from behind.

I turned around, visibly startled only to see Xander, his face only inches from mine. He was so close that I could practically feel the heat radiating off his body. He was leaning down so that he was on eye level with me.

"You shouldn't sneak up on people like that." I spat, annoyed. He couldn't leave me alone for a single second.

His smile only widened. "But then I wouldn't have gotten such a delightful reaction, would I now, Mel?" He spoke my name like a secret.

"You're fucking crazy."

He straightened up slightly, but not enough to break the intense eye contact. "Am I, now?" He questioned, his voice a husky murmur. He reached out, a single finger tracing the delicate lock of my hair.

He leaned in again, the gap between our bodies shrinking with each passing second.  "Your heart's racing a mile per minute."

"It's because you scared me." I lied. "Can't you just let me be? I'm just walking."

"Taking in the scenery, I see, Miss Hart?"

"The only scenery I'd appreciate is the one that leads me out of here."

"Too bad." He sighed, sounding a but amused. "You don't want a repeat of our other night now, do you?"

I clenched my fists, reminding myself I can't actually punch him. "What do you fucking wa–?"

"Five minutes." He cut me off, his eyes flickering down to my lips. "That's all I need with you... for now."

I huffed. Five minutes didn't seem like a lot to ask for. He better leave me alone after that.


His finger lingered on the small of my back, tracing a lazy circle before dipping lower, causing a sudden gasp to escape my lips. I stared at him, confused as to what he was doing.

"One minute..." He murmured, his thumb tracing lines across my bottom lip.

I gritted my teeth. "That barely tickles."

He smiled. "Is that so?" He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "Perhaps I need to up my game a little."

Before I could react, his hand found my waist, pulling me closer to him until our bodies were pressed together tightly. His hand started travelling higher and his fingers slid beneath the hem of my shirt. His touch was light, almost teasing.

"Two minutes."

He traced the curve of my waist, then dipped lower, his fingers splaying wide against my hip. His fingers danced along the edge of my waistband, teasing, threatening to dip beneath.

He pulled back slightly, just enough to look into my eyes. "Three minutes." He said, his voice softer.

His lips found my neck, pressing gentle kisses along the line of my jaw. He pressed his body against mine, his breath hot against my neck. I could feel his heart beating, strong and steady, unlike mine. His lips brushed against my collarbone, sending a shiver through me.

"Four minutes." He whispered, his lips grazing my ear.

His hand slipped beneath my shirt, sliding up my back, fingers tracing my spine, moving higher until he reached the clasp of my bra. He flicked it open with ease, his hand sliding around to cup my breast, his thumb brushing over my nipple. His lips found mine claiming them in a kiss that was both gentle and demanding, his tongue teasing my lips apart deepening the kiss. And his other hand moved lower, fingers sliding between my thighs. His touch was more urgent now, becoming more insistent as his fingers were pressing against me.

When he finally pulled back, his breath was ragged, his were eyes dark. "Time's up." He whispered but he did not move. His hands stayed where they were.

I stood there, my body trembling, my breath coming in shallow gasps. He held me tight, close to him, giving me time to gather myself. I wanted to die of humiliation, even my knees were beginning to give out.

"You never play fair." I glared at him, ignoring the shakiness in my voice.

"What even is a fair play?" He leaned in close, his lips brushing against mine. I froze again. "Especially when you're the prize."

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