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It's been almost a week since I last saw Alex. Not that I'm complaining, but surprisingly, he was nice enough to let have me locked up in his room instead of the basement while he was gone. But, there was a catch. I was no longer allowed to step foot outside the door and Noah made sure of that.

The good about that is that his room has literally everything one could want to spend all their life in. Aside from the apartment sized space and luxurious bathroom, he has stocked thousands of clothes for me in his walk-in closet, he room also connects to his own personal library filled with a million books. He has a study room too with computers, laptops and electronics which are all locked with facial recognition and a password. His room has access to a lot of sunlight so I don't really feel "trapped" in here. I have Noah multiple times about where Alex has gone but he refuses to tell me anything.

"Noah!" I called out his name for the thoudadth time today. I was utterly bored and was loosing my mind. The only source of entertainment I had left was him, and so I made sure I irritated the living crap out of him.

"What?" He sounded annoyed which made me crack up just a little.

"Just wondering," I chirped, tilting my head, "when Alex plans on letting this Rapunzel out of this tower?"

I heard him sigh. He was so done with me and my constant nagging.

"Seriously, dude?" I groaned. "You'd cut off my only connection to the outside world just because I'm a little...enthusiastic?"

"A little enthusiastic?" Noah's muffled voice came through the door. "You've been calling me every five minutes for the past three hours."

"Isn't there any fucking way you can let me out of this room?"

He didn't answer.

"I hate everything about this. Everything in here reminds me of him. It's so fucking annoying."

"Stop ignoring me." I banged at the door loudly. "Let me outta here, and don't say you can't. Xander isn't even here so you can't use that excuse anymore."

Still nothing from his side.

"Hey?" I called out. Still nothing. "You still there?"

Curious about the sudden quiet from his side, I pressed my ear against the wooden door in hopes of hearing something. Abruptly, the door swung open, catching me off guard. I stumbled forward, only to be caught by someone's strong arms, preventing me from a headfirst collision with the hard wooden surface.

As I looked up, I found myself locked in the gaze of those familiar green eyes. My stomach turned and I immediately became stiff. Still held in his arms, I noticed Noah glaring at me with the same blank expression he always wore around Alex.

"Seems like you two get along really well." He smiled. "Isn't that right, Noah?"

Noah didn't reply but he did look at me briefly before averting his gaze.

I shot a glare at Xander, and he released me with a bit too much force than necessary, causing me to stumble and almost fall backward.

He continued to look at me but tilted his head slightly to address Noah. "I thought I told you not to become friends with her."

My breathing hitched as I stared at Noah, though he seemed at ease when he answered. "I'm not, Xander."

"Liar." He chuckled. Somehow this weird calm demeanor of his made me feel more uneasy than ever before. "You're upsetting me a lot lately, Noah. You know what that means, right?"

"Yes, boss. I'll be more careful with my interactions." He promised.

His smile vanished instantly, sending a cold shiver down my spine. "You better be." He said, his voice dropping low. "Your only job is to keep an eye on her. Nothing more than that."

He gave him a slight nod.

Alex waved his hand to dismiss Noah, who left, closing the door behind him. The sudden closure prompted me to take a few steps back, creating the much needed distance between us.

"I guess you're more comfortable around him than me." Xander observed, a tinge of disappointment evident in his tone.

And whose fault is that?

He removed his coat, casually tossing it onto a nearby chair, then proceeded to loosen his tie before settling comfortably on the sofa by the full sized window. The room seemed to bend to his will, his posture exuded confidence, legs casually crossed, one arm draped over the back of the sofa. He was wearing a sleek black shirt that molds perfectly to his sculpted form. The sunlight streaming through the window kisses his face, the steady rise and fall of his chest betrayed an air of calm authority, a man who knew the power he held in the palm of his hand.

"Where were you gone?" I couldn't help but ask, the silence was maddening.

"Had some pressing matters to attend to." He replied, nonchalant. "It's all done now."

I nodded, though the details of his "matters" held little to no fucking interest for me. But, I still found myself compelled to maintain this fake courtesy. I was forced to be nice to him just to protect my own fucking courtesy.

"Also," He suddenly said while removing his cuffs and tossing them on the coffee table. "I'm hosting a big party tomorrow, and I expect you to be on your best behavior." He paused, awaiting my response, to which I offered a slight nod.

"I have two really important people coming and I need to secure a business deal from them. If you try your usual antics, just know that it'll be the last time you'll ever see the morning sun." His gaze bore into mine, emphasizing the sincerity behind his last few words.

I clenched my fists. "I'll behave."

"Good." He nodded. "The maids will bring you the clothes first thing in the morning. I want you to be all dressed and pretty when I come to get you. And please, cover yourself properly with makeup. I can still see your wounds."


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