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I ran towards the back door of the kitchen and bolted. I had hardly half a minute left till someone sees me and drags me back to that hellhole. My lungs burned in response to my speed as I dashed outside, my eyes scanning for any signs of life. The highway lay empty before me, and all that stretched out ahead was a foreboding, dark forest.

"SHE RAN AWAY!" I heard one of the servant's faint scream.



Oh, fuck. I guess, I got no other choice. I crossed the road and ran past the wild trees and bushes, getting severe deja vu from of the night I first got captured. But there was no turning back now. I had taken a gamble, and the stakes couldn't be higher. The chances of me escaping are slim to none but I can not let that stop me. All I can do at this point is fucking run and try my best even if I fail in the end. I got a few cuts and scratches on my arms and legs from the sharp bushes but that was least of my concerns right now. I cursed myself out loud when I realised I forgot to bring a phone with me. FUCKING HELL I'M SO STUPID. How the fuck will I call the police? As if to answer in disapproval, the sky above me roared in anger and the clouds got darker and darker, indicating that the down pouring which was about to befall upon me for my actions.

"MELENA HART." I knew that voice all too well as it didn't fail to raise the hair on my body. He was seething with fury, and given how well he had treated me, I could hardly blame him for his anger. I shuddered to think about what he might do if he catches me again.

I started getting nervous and then it hit me that he and his men were now likely on my trail, just like the last time, and they wouldn't stop searching. No matter how far I try to run, he'll never let me go. I can never escape from his chains. He's obsessed with the idea of having me. I was almost crying now as all the adrenaline left my body. Soon enough, it started raining heavily. It got so loud and dark that I had to seek shelter under a tree. Shivering uncontrollably, I pulled my knees to my chest, trying to make myself as small and invisible as possible. I removed the excess water from my clothes and hair and looked around for a clearing. Hopefully, there are no wild animals around. I can handle snakes and all but don't let me encounter a bear or a leopard, god.

After a few minutes passed, I started walking again. I turned around and there was no sight of him or his men. Sighing with relief I slowed down a little and took the paths that seemed the most dangerous to outsmart my captor. After almost an hour, I came to a stop. It was still raining and when I was sure that no one was behind me, I sat down and leaned against a tree to catch my breath. I might have a chance of escaping, after all. I closed my eyes to rest up and woke up to some voices.

"Did you find her?"

"No, boss."

"Well then, keep fucking looking." He yelled at them. "I swear to god if she manages to escape I'll chop each and every one of your fucking heads off."

"Calm down, Alexander." I recognised Noah's voice.

"You shut the fuck up." Alex snapped. "If beating the living hell outta you wasn't enough then I'll be happy to shoot you."

He went silent.

He found me. He fucking found me. How long was I asleep for? Hardly fifteen minutes... It's impossible, I had been walking for hours. How did he manage to trace my exact location? My head and heart pounded in unison as I fought to stay still. My vision was got blurry as I silently prayed to god to save me one last time. I caught sight of a slope a few yards away from me and decided to go for it. It was still raining so I decided to crawl instead of walk to not get in their line of vision but my movements were loud and clumsy thus, one of Marcellus men ended up spotting me and yelled out loud for the others to hear, "I found her! She's on my right!"

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