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I glanced around me helplessly as the adrenaline rushed in. I was definitely being lured in. I reached into my purse and pulled out my pepper spray, my eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of movement.

I need to head back inside, I need to surround myself with people. As soon as I turned around to leave, in an instant, someone tackled me to the ground, causing me to drop my spray and purse. Pain shot through me, and confusion swirled in my mind. What the fuck was happening?

"No!" I screamed at the masked man who tried grabbing me by my legs. I screamed and thrashed around like a wild cat and managed to hit him in the crotch, he collapsed and fell down beside me, grunting in pain. Seizing the opportunity, I took off my heels and bolted towards the dark forest. It might look like a foolish move, but I needed to hide somewhere I couldn't be easily found.

My heart was racing as I forced my legs to move faster and faster and get out of the car's line of sight. The soft grass made it hard for me to tell if I was being followed or not, but my suspicions were confirmed when a large pair of hands grabbed my body from behind. I screamed and thrashed around helplessly and to my surprise, the guy let me. I soon realised there was no point in doing so. I was already far, far away from any buildings or people.

"Let me go, fucker!" I shouted and tried hitting him but it was hard to move since my back was tightly pressed against his body, I couldn't even see his face and so, he easily grabbed my wrist and twisted it behind my back.

"Shhh." He whispered in my ear, causing my whole body to tremble in fear. Is this how I'll die? Will he burry me somewhere around here after realising I have no money to offer?

"Please," I whispered, all alcohol leaving my system. "I have a home and family."

"Sorry, sweetheart." The man murmured, clearly humouring my words. "But, does it look like I care?"

I couldn't see his face and I dared not to. I stared straight ahead into the dark woods, trying to find any possibilities for my escape but all of that withered away when someone blindfolded me. I felt all my hope and anticipation drop. We weren't alone. I could tell there were atleast six or seven more men surrounding us.

"Handcuff her." I heard him order.

"Yes, boss," someone replied, and I felt cold metal brush against my wrists.

My survival instincts kicked in, and before he could handcuff me I pushed the stranger away with every ounce of strength I could muster. My heart pounded in my chest as I tossed the blindfold and bolted in the direction opposite to them. I heard the man's faint laughter from behind me as if this was some sick fucking game to him.

However, my escape was short lived. It didn't take long before a powerful force sent me crashing on the rough ground. My head slammed against the surface with force that didn't fail to turn my surroundings black and blurry infront of my eyelids. Pain and panic coursed through me, and I screamed, thrashing around in desperation but then again, it had no effect on him. The man didn't even bulge, instead he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and dampened it with what I suspected to be chloroform. With a firm grip on my chin, he forced me to inhale the sickly sweet, intoxicating scent. Soon enough, my protests stopped as I felt my consciousness slipping away. The man then lifted me in his arms and walked back towards his men.

"Get the cars. We're leaving." He ordered, holding me tightly.

"Yes, boss."

Oh my god... I'm gonna fucking die.




I woke up hours later with a heavy migraine in a dark and empty room. Thankfully, I was still clothed with no sign of assault on my body. I looked around in the darkness of the room and realised it had no windows and zero ventilation, only a bed and a small bathroom. I spotted a flickering red light on the wall which caught my attention, and assumed it was some sort of camera through which I was being watched.

Kidnapped By The MafiaWhere stories live. Discover now