Tick Tock

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After what felt like an eternity, the door opened and I relished the light that lit the room for a few seconds.

"Good morning." An unfamiliar voice greeted me, causing my body to go alert. Infront of me stood tall, muscular, curly haired man.

"On Marcellus's commands, I've been hired as your personal bodyguard. My name's Noah Verlice, I'll be present right outside your door at all times so if you face any problems or have any concerns, leave them all to me."

"I want to leave." I told him. "Help me fucking leave this shithole."

"Can't do that." He sighed, Alex must've already told him I'll nag him about this.

"Aren't you my bodyguard? Then take my orders and help me."

Before he could answer a maid entered with a tray filled with pancakes, fruits and a glass of juice. She placed it down on the floor and left immediately without saying a word.

"You should eat."

"I don't want food, damnit!" I threw my pillow at his face and he exhaled sharply. Not a man of patience either, I see.

"Charming." I muttered, crossing my arms. "Can't you at least pretend to be useful?"

He turned to face me, his blue eyes narrowed. "Useful?"

"I want to fucking leave." I announced. "Right fucking now."

He looked like wanted to laugh.

"What the fuck is so funny?" I threw another one of my pillow at him but this time, he caught it with ease. Hey, atleast I managed to wipe that stupid smile off his face.

"Look, Miss Hart," He drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "You think throwing pillows at me is gonna change anything?"

My face burned bright with anger and annoyance. "At least I have the guts to fight back," I spat. "Unlike an overgrown guard dog who's too scared to disobey his leash."

That did it. He slammed his hand against the metal door, the sharp sound making me flinch. "Scared?" He echoed, his voice a dangerous growl. "You haven't even seen "scared" yet, Miss Hart."

"What are you talking about?" I forced the words out.

He leaned in abruptly, the sudden movement making me flinch back. "Let's just say," He came in close, his voice barely a whisper, "breaking the rules here comes with consequences. Consequences that wouldn't be pretty... even for someone like you."

He towered over me, his shadow engulfing my small frame. I could tell he wanted to prove his words to me.

"You wouldn't dare." I whispered back.

He chuckled, a cold, humorless sound. "Oh, Miss Hart," He said, his voice dripping with amusement, "you have absolutely no idea what I would dare."

He straightened, his gaze cold and emotionless once more as he moved a respectful distance away from me. A small sense of victory washed over me. Of course, this one's a softie.

"Now," He continued, his voice returning to its usual gruff tone, "Like I said, I don't get paid enough for your whining. So, shut up, eat your breakfast, and try not to make this any harder than it already is."

He walked towards the door, his every step a heavy thud on the thick carpet. With a final judgmental glance in my direction, he finally walked out the door.

What a fucking ass.

I refused to eat, sleep or drink anything. The freshly made breakfast soon started rotting and smelled foul. It was hard to keep my eyelids open but I fought against the weakness. I can't let my guard down especially since I'm being watched in the cameras. A few more hours went by and I managed to stay awake through all of it. The door opened and Alexander stepped in, behind him Noah followed. His green eyes went to the untouched food on the floor before meeting my glare.

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