The Ball

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I woke up at around 10 am because of all the chatter and rustling that filled the air, pulling my attention away from the dream I couldn't quite grasp. My eyes fluttered open to see a flurry of activity. There were a bunch of servants arranging my dress and shoes for today's occasion. Upon seeing me awake, they quickly apologised for being so loud and noisy before hurriedly stepping out of the room as if to avoid some sorta punishment. Before I could even stammer out a "good morning", they were all gone.

I propped myself up on my elbows, curiosity gnawing at me. What the hell was going on? I pushed myself out of bed and walked towards the large wardrobe. My heart hammered in my chest as I reached for the garment hanging inside. With a hesitant hand, I reached for the bag and unzipped it carefully. Relief washed over me when I saw that it wasn't some slutty, whore-ish looking dress that was meant to turn heads in a vulgar way. Instead, my breath was caught in my throat. It was a gown, not just any gown, but a work of ethereal beauty. Like the ones crafted with the touch of an artist's love, and paired with shiny butterfly heels.

"Unbelievable..." I whispered, afraid to speak any louder in case I startled the delicate creation. Just running my fingertips over the fabric sent shivers down my spine. Nervousness bubbled in my stomach, afraid that I might ruin its beauty. It felt like a garment fit for royalty, and here I was, so simple, feeling completely out of place.

What kind of party is he hosting? I thought he would turn this place into a full blown club, but I was far from right, from the looks of this dress I can tell he's definitely going old school. It's giving a victorian era masquerade party. A hesitant smile tugged at the corner of my lips, finally something I could look forward to. As if sensing my curiosity, a small, gold plated note peeked out from the dress folds.

In elegant calligraphy, it read:

"Be ready by 8."


It almost 8pm and I was all dressed up. The gown felt like dream, a perfect blend of white and gold that felt like pure magic. The fabric seemed to dance with every step I took, it looked like a waterfall of stardust. It hugged my body with such gentleness, accentuating all the right places. The neckline was just perfect, giving a little extra attention to my best features. It's not too much, not too little, just right. And the butterfly heels, they were like something out of a fairy tale as if they were made especially to go with this dress.

I looked in the mirror for the thousandth time and suppressed a smiled. I felt pretty. It was like all the dreams I dreamt about as a child came true in that very second. I kind of felt like a princess, the kind young me fantasized to be. The feeling filled my heart with warmth, my makeup was also perfect. Alex had sent over a group of professionals to make sure I looked flawless, especially to pay extra attention in hiding the bruises or in his words, any "little accidents." He was really out there making sure nothing could go wrong tonight.

A series of three knocks came from the door that snapped me out of my trance. I rushed to get the door, the sound of my heels echoing throughout the room. I swung the door open and there he was, dressed in all black, looking handsome as ever, my heartbeat skipped which was almost like a reflex reaction unpon seeing him.

His green eyes looked me up and down and then his face broke into a beautiful smile. "You look stunning."

Heat flooded my cheeks. "Thank you."

"Shall we?" He held out his arm to me, and without really thinking, I slipped mine into his. Together, we started down the grand staircase, heading towards the mysterious event that awaited us in the grand hall below.

My eyes flickered with enlightenment upon being meet by vaulted ceilings, crystal chandeliers glittering in the soft light making the floor gloss elegantly. An spiral staircase and balustrade was situated leading down to the ground floor, covered with flowers and lights. The thick velvet drapes were all over the large French windows. The waiting staff was circulating around the crowd to offer canapés and exchanging empty champagne glasses for fresh new ones. There was an orchestra playing at the far end of the ballroom whose music seemed to have casted a spell on people, making them sway with their notes from side to side.

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