A peek into Blair's Life

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"Blair, Blair! Where are you?"
Ahh! This type of intro is boring but that's what my mom always does. She's all-time busy calling my name whenever I'm home.

Like, Seriously? She doesn't have any purpose in calling me but just to check on me that I'm fine or not, and maybe sometimes to start up a conversation between us.

Well, I go home sometimes because I don't have much time, Busy with my job. Oh Sorry! I didn't tell ya'll about my job.

So, I have joined a company and I'm on a good post and I have enough salary to buy a Cottage with a sea-facing balcony Maybe!

Okay, Fine! I'm serving for a Don Martyr Sir. He is a good man, for his family! 'For his family' is very important in the above line.

He is indeed a good Boss and Don. He knows every rule in the Mafia world and most importantly he doesn't forgive mistakes and the person can't make the second one bc her/his body is cold. You know what I mean, right?

Okay! I understand. You are confused about how I'm taking it till now. Well, I'm Don's most loyal person, which means he trusts me the most. That's why he always gives me the toughest responsibilities. Shh! I'm not complaining.

You know what, while doing this work I found someone who could help me throughout this life. Someone on whom I can rely.

He was in the special team of Martyr's Company. Shawn, a very nice person and his sharp gestures can make anyone fall in love with him. But that never worked on me!

He met me when I was sad. Okay okay! I was broken because of my father's death. The mafias are not allowed to be sad or depressed. They have to focus on their work.

Besides others, He understood my feelings and believed in me. Even he gave me the most appropriate advice. I don't know whether it was the appropriate one or not but my heart agreed to follow it so I did.


I was late that day, but that was not the worst. Something more terrifying was about to happen.

I was on a mission, I had to take the place of Martyr's Daughter because she was in trouble so we exchanged our places.

Behaving like her, Ahh! That was the most annoying part. She was a rich spoiled kid and always gave us orders like she was a boss. The truth was I always hated her because she hated me, I don't know why.

His daughter was the most important person for him. He couldn't see a single tear in her eyes. If he ever saw her daughter sad, he would burn up the world. That was a simple logic for Martyr.

I was ready to fight with goons of rivals. I was going round around the hotel and suddenly I spotted the goons.

They followed me to my room and when they were in they started threatening me.

Suddenly they all fall silent with my laughing voice. One of the goons said, "Are you driven mad?"

I said, "Not like you my friend! Unfortunately you're standing a button, if you move then the room will get blasted! Bubyee!!"

I was going to leave the room so I put my hand on the door's knob but Unfortunately, an idiot fella moved from his position and the room got blasted.

Huh! Do you think that was bad enough for me? So yeah! You're wrong bc worse things happened to me.

At the time of the blast I repeatedly tried to open the door by pushing the knob downwards. That didn't work in a good way I think.

I got in another state of mind. My whole life was getting flashbacked in front of me. My Mother, My Fiancé Shawn, My Friends, My Childhood memories, all the things were feeling like past.

I was feeling drowsy and I slept like a log for some time. I was dreaming about something like a big massive place more like a huge palace and I went inside it as a result of my curious behaviour but that was not good for me.

I screamed because I saw a spider and the freaking reality/truth is I hate spiders, I don't have a good relationship with them. It was not enough for me to call a dream bad.

So as an Extra Spice in my life, a giant Dragon was in front of me. Cool enough right? I was feeling totally inadequate. I was shivering and that Dragon squeezed me with his feet. Boom! The dream was ended!

Author: Not_apricot

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