𝗜. Cheap Thrills

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𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊:


❪ minor nsfw ❫

THE STARS HAD LONG come out in twos and threes and the sky was painted in its familiar black and navy blue hues ─a sight Miso had long grown accustomed to. However this time, the chilly night breeze licking at her exposed forearms was new; welcomed regardless.

Readying herself for her second hit of the night, Miso pulled out her kuromi lighter, a purchase she made whilst in Japan before the pandemic struck, and carefully lit the cigarette between her strawberry fruit stained lips.

A small smile graced her features. The nicotine slowly seeping through system giving her a sense of relaxation ─freeing her of the tension dampening her nerves. Sure the buzz was always short-lived but the woman would do anything to chase that high again, hence the regular abuse of the nicotine stick.

Gingerly, she set the aforementioned stick down on her ashtray and leaned over to grab her newly store bought beer bottle. Popping the cork off, she poured its contents into her iced beer cup and took a small audible sip.

There was something about sitting out on her balcony in the cold night air in nothing but her red satin night dress coupled with the street noise from the bustling avenue below that served as background noise that made her feel calm ─made her feel at ease.

From her spot on the balcony, Miso watched as the city's inhabitants hurried home, presumably to their families ─or lovers.

Must be ni-. The sound of her balcony door sliding further open broke her train of thought.

Her eyes shifted towards the sudden cause of the noise. A small smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she stared, drooled rather, at the topless curly haired male struggling to hold open her balcony doors.

Sending a sheepish smile her way, which she couldn't help but roll her eyes at, the man settled himself right next to her ( after forcing the door shut that is ).

"Aren't you cold?" He spoke after a while. His dark brown eyes, that held a soft look t them, shifted to her.

"Are you worried about me?" Miso set her drink back on the balcony's side table and shifted her whole body to face him. "Worried I might get sick?" A playfully smirk tugged at the corners of her lips.

She let her fingers trace very small and incredibly light shapeless circles on his exposed thigh. The light feathery touches, as a result, shot shivers ( the good kind ) up his spine.

The man let out a nervous chuckle. Words failing him in an instant. How could he think straight when the woman of his dreams was seated next to him? In his favourite colour too?

Miso giggled. She found it cute how he would act bravado one second and a blubbering mess the next. She liked that in a guy though. She liked it when she had the upper hand. It made her feel quite invincible.

Her cold palm, contrast to his warm thighs, slowly moved up his right thigh. Fingers toying with the hem of his boxers.

"What is it? Cat caught your to-" Firm hands softly grasped her wrists, stopping her from inching even further up his body.

"Not. Here." He replied. Voice strained and quite frankly, a little out of breath. Noticing how his dark brown hues struggled to stay on hers, Miso leaned in next to his ear.

"Wanna go back in then?" She offered. "Round three?" Her eyes shining in mischief.

The invitation was tempting ─oh so tempting─ but he had places to be, much to his dismay.

"I have. . . to leave actually."

He really didn't want to leave her side. But his boxing coach would have had his head on plate if he missed practice ─again.

Adding to the fact that it would be his third time missing a training session that week. The 2020 kbfc rookie of the year tournament was literally, and quite figuratively, around the corner. He had no more time to fool around.

Albeit disappointed, Miso nodded in understanding and withdrew from his hold. Fingers reaching back for her cigarette stick.

"Are you coming to cheer me on?" He asked, internally crossing his fingers for her soft yes. She, though he never said it to her, was his lucky harm. With her by his side, the man could easily run for president. He did so much better with her around.

The tattooed woman shook her head. "I have plans tomorrow." She really didn't.

Lying was the only way to keep their 'arrangement' what it was. Just sex. With the slightly heavy silence suddenly settling over them, Miso turned to fetch her drink; completely missing the sad pout on the curly haired man's lips.

Getting involved in each other's in personal lives would only result into their relationship becoming deeper and Miso didn't think she was up for that.

"Oh okay." The male was disappointed. He would for sure have loved to see her at ringside with his manager, cheering him on but he had to respect her decision. "I'll see you later then?"

Miso dismissingly waved him off, more occupied with reading the alcohol bottle's contents.

The man hesitated a bit. Throwing caution to the wind, he placed a soft, quick kiss on the side of her lips and quickly darted back inside to grab his clothes to leave the apartment.

Once her door soon clicked shut, Miso knew her date for the night had left and she was all alone again. She relaxed back into her seat once more and briefly shut her eyes.

However, the universe seemed to have sworn her no peace. A blaring ringtone pierced through the still balcony. It was her cellphone ─a device that she could have sworn she had on silent.

Who could be calling at this late hour? She wondered.

No one had her cellphone number given the number of times she had to change it just to remain unreachable.

"Hello." She mumbled into the said device after its third ring.

"Miso?" A beat of silence passes. "Is that you?"

The girl in question visibly tensed at the familiar voice.

How did he find her?


✶ 𝗺𝗶𝘂 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝘀 !
first chapter ! what do we think? :)


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