𝗩. Black Rims, Pink Headlights

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𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒗:


SHIFTING IN HER LEATHER SEAT, Miso struggled to get comfortable. She had been parked right outside the bookshop for almost an hour now. Her eyes, behind her sunglasses, keeping watch of its entrance.

Her perfectly manicured nails rhythmically tapped at the steering wheel. The car was as silent as a graveyard ─save for her shallow breathing and the distant tick tick of the minute hand on her wristwatch. The subtle ache in her ass becoming almost too painful to ignore.

Ugh. Miso muttered as she grabbed her phone and stepped out of her car. The cold winter air reminding her of her poor decision of not layering up more. She hated the cold.

With every step she took, nervousness slowly seeped into her veins. Her heart screaming at her to turn and run back to her car. Her mind replaying scenes of that fateful night. The harsh words thrown at her by the very person, dressed from head to toe in black, sitting behind the desk.

"Mi─ Miso?" Hyeonju couldn't believe her eyes. She had to be seeing things, right? There was no way her bestfriend, who she had presumed dead on multiple occasions, was standing before her. It couldn't be.

No words were exchanged between the two females, only pained glances. Their eyes seemingly saying a million things that only the other could understand.

"It's good to see you too." Miso was the first one to speak ─her voice drier than the Sahara.

Hyeonju stared at her ─her mouth opening and closing like those of a fish in the deep blue sea.

I missed you─ The younger female wanted to say, however, the pain and anguish caused by Miso suddenly leaving brought back the bitter taste in her mouth.

"How dare you?" She whispered so lowly that the older woman almost missed it. "How dare you come back here?"

Miso visibly rolled her eyes. The animosity clearly not lost between the two.

"Look." Hyeonju abruptly stood ─pushing back her chair. "I don't have time for this. Leave!" Her voice rising towards the end.

"Sadly for you, I'm not going anywhere." Miso sweetly smiled before plopping herself on the brown sofa. She had made a promise to Mr Choi and she was going to keep it. "We need to talk."

"I don't care." Hyeonju seethed. "GET OUT"

Miso remained unfaced. Her eyes immediately dropping to her nails. The black nail polish suddenly becoming the most interest thing in the room.

Completely disregarding the slightly disheveled Hyeonju, who seemed to be gripping at the wooden desk a little too tightly. "What's Smile Capital?" Miso asked. Now of course, she had been briefed and brought up with Hyeonju's dealings, Miso just wanted to hear it from her.

"Huh?" Hyeonju felt as if someone had just dumped cold water on her back. Her features softening with confusion.

"Smile Capital?" Miso questioned once more. "What's that all about?"

"And why would I tell you anything?" Hyeonju bit back.

Miso innocently shrugged. "Just wanted to know what you're up to  these days. Grandfather mentioned a little something here and there."

𝗸𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝗶𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿. bloodhoundsWhere stories live. Discover now