𝗜𝗜. Sushi For Breakfast

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𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒊:


COMPLETELY DISREGARDING the 'closed sign' hang by the entrance, Miso slid open the sushi restaurant's door and let herself in. The doorbell chime sounding right above her.

The familiar smell of fresh fish that smelt a lot like grass and fresh cut leaves wafted through the air; welcoming her back into the small establishment.

Taking a quick scan of the restaurant, a slow smile played on her lips. Nothing had changed. The landscape paintings on the wall. The tables were still positioned the same. Even the maneki-neko stationed by the windowsill was still there.

The girl sat herself down on the furthest table and pulled out her phone. I'm here. She typed.

Several minutes later, the restaurant's owner emerged from the kitchen, wiping one of his knives on a napkin ─a scowl etched his face. If Miso didn't know any better, she would been incredibly intimidated.

The Mo girl watched as the old man dragged a chair out and sat himself across her. The pair sat in silence for what seemed like forever before the man spoke.

"It's good to see you again." His eyes looked up from his knife only to meet her blank stare.

How did you find me? She wanted to ask, she was incredibly curious, but decided against it.

"Why did you contact me?" She opted to go straight to the point. "Especially after all this while?"

Yangjung sighed. He gingerly placed the knife on the wooden table. The silvery cutlery making a small thud as it's set on the table.

The pair sat in silence. The thick tension hanging in the air could easily be cut through by the very same knife sitting between the two adults.

"President Choi needs you."

Something, that felt a lot like disbelief, coursed through Miso's veins. The Mo girl audibly scoffed; her mouth hanging slightly open in disbelief.

Needs her? Yeah right.

"If you called me here to feed me more lies." The woman began. Her voice void of any real emotion. "Then I'll save you the trouble and simply leave." Her hands immediately reached for her car keys and made her way to the door in an attempt to leave.

"It's about Hyeonju."

At the mention of the oh-so familiar name, Miso's feet came to an immediate stop. Her mind, against her own better judgement, raced through a million and one scenarios that could have befallen her former colleague.

Begrudgingly, Miso walked back to her former position. Setting her keys on the table, an exasperated sigh escaping her cherry glossed lips.

"Is she causing trouble again?" She questioned.

"It's a bit more complicated than that." Miso would have been a fool to ignore the sense of urgency laced in Yangjung's voice.

"Complicated?" She scoffed. "What? Is she messing around with the mafia or something?"

His reply never came.

"It's important that you go see him." The old man deflected. Again, the sense of urgency heavy in his tone.

Miso hesitated. Did she really want to jump back into the business that left her so torn? She did leave and cut off all contact for a reason.

"Miso." Yangjung started. "I know things weren't kind to you the last time you saw President Choi. However, I know you. I know that you'll do anything to help out the people you love-"

People she loved?

"People I love?" Those three phrases struck a nerve. "The same people who stabbed me in the back? I think you're mistaken. I don't love those people anymore."

"Then why did you come?" Yangjung challenged. "Why didn't you ignore the call?"

He had a point. Why didn't she?

Was it the odd sense of familiarity that came with hearing his voice after three years? Or was it because deep down she did miss them?

"Look." Miso heard his seat get drawn backwards and the old man came to stand before her. "Just consider it. If you decide otherwise, we'll accept it. Okay?"

She knew she was wrong to take her months long suppressed anger out on the old man. It wasn't his fault, and she knew it. She still held a soft spot for her family in her heart. She just wasn't sure if she was willing, no. . . strong enough, to walk down that path again.

Mean words were thrown at each other, feelings were hurt and bitter tears were shed that fateful night. She wasn't sure she was ready to open the door to the past.

Miso nodded in understanding. Offering the man one last look, hopefully for good, Miso grabbed her helmet and headed out ─she never look back. After all, the bone to pick wasn't with him.

Yangjung sighed upon hearing the door slide shut. A familiar ache, similar to the one he felt when Miso walked out of his life the last time making it's appearance once again ─the ache just as similar and just as fresh.

He would be lying if he didn't say it was nice to see her again. Granted, she was incredibly hard to find and had to pull in lots of favours but it was worth it in end. At least he got to see his daughter once more.


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